
Doctor Nicolaes Tulp's Demonstration of the Anatomy of the Arm.
Doctor Nicolaes Tulp's Demonstration of the Anatomy of the Arm. Detail.
Christ in the Storm on the Lake of Galilee.
Saskia as Flora.
The Slaughtered Ox.
The Night Watch (The Militia Company of Captain Frans Banning Cocq and of Lieutenant Willem van Ruytenburgh).
The Night Watch (The Militia Company of Captain Frans Banning Cocq and of Lieutenant Willem van Ruytenburgh). Detail.
Susanna Surprised by the Elders.
The Supper at Emmaus.
Hendrickje Bathing in a River.
Jacob Blessing the Sons of Joseph.
Peter Denying Christ.
Assuerus, Haman and Esther.
Self-Portrait as St. Paul.
Isaac and Rebecca. (The Jewish Bride).
The Pilgrims at Emmaus.