1. The name of this organization shall be "the International Economics and Finance Society, Taiwan Chapter" (the Society,     


2. The objectives of the Society are:

    a. To encourage researches in the fields of international and financial economics and to promote professional communications

        among researchers of the fields.

    b. To hold professional meetings and conferences to facilitate cooperation and participation in research efforts among

        international and financial economists in the academic, private and government sectors.

    c. To maintain close relations with the International Economics and Finance Society and its regional chapters, and also to

        engage in academic exchange programs with them.

    d. To maintain close relations and share scholastic interests and outputs with other professional organizations.



3. Any professional economist or graduate student who is in the economics or related fields and shares the same objectives of the

    Society may apply for membership. Membership is subject to the approval of the Executive Committee after the applicant has

    completed the application and paid the application and annual membership fee.

4. If a member violates national laws or fails to abide by the decisions of the general assembly, the Executive Committee has the

    authority to suspend his (or her) membership, and the member can also be expelled from the Society for any reason which the

    Executive Committee deems reasonable.

5. A member's membership could be suspended for any one of the following reasons: a. Fail to pay the annual membership fees

    for up to two years, b. Being expelled from the Society by the resolution of the general assembly.

6. Any member wishing to withdraw from membership may do so by submitting a written statement to the Executive Committee.

7. Annual membership fee will not be returned in the case of self-withdrawing or being expelled.

8. Members will have the following rights. a. the right to participate in any of the activities of the Society, b. full voting rights .

9. Member will have the following obligations,

a. Abide by the bylaws and the decisions made by the General Assembly and the

    Executive Committee,

b. Accept appointments made by the Executive Committee,

c. Help to promote the Society.


ARTICLE III - Organizations

10. The General Assembly is the highest authority of the Society. The Executive Committee is the governing body of the Society,

      which manages affairs of the Society when the general assembly in not meeting.

11. The General Assembly has the following powers:

      a. To amend the bylaws,

      b. To elect members of the Executive Committee,

      c. To determine the annual membership fee,

d. To adopt or reject proposals of business plan and the budget for the coming year, and the balance sheet of this year, which will

    be presented by the Executive Committee,

    e. To expel members from the Society,

    g. To dissolve the Society,

    h. To make decisions on other important issues of the Society.

12. The Executive Committee consists of five members who are elected by the General Assembly and have a two-year service


13. The Executive Committee has the following powers,

      a. To call the annual assembly meeting,

      b. To approve and disapprove membership right,

      c. To elect and remove the President,

      d. To draft the business plan and the budget of the coming year, and approve the balance sheet of this year,

      e. To manage other affairs of the Society.

14. Any member of the Executive Committee will have to resign if found in any one of the following situations:

      a. Having lost membership,

      b. Having submitted resignation,

      c. Having been removed by the Executive Committee.

15. The President is elected from the members of the Executive Committee.

16. The Vice President, the Executive Secretary, and the Treasurer are appointed by the President, and their terms are the same as

      that of the President.

17. Members of the Executive Committee, the President, the Vice President, the Executive Secretary, and the Treasurer are

      volunteer positions without any compensation.

18. Ad hoc committees can be created by the Executive Committee, and the rules governing these committees should also be

      determined by the Executive Committee.


ARTICLE IV – Meetings of Members

19. There will be an annual meeting (the general assembly) attended by all members at a time and place determined by the

      Executive Committee. The meeting will be called with a written notice being given at least fifteen days in advance.

20. If any member cannot attend the assembly meeting, he or she can authorize another member to attend on his or her behalf by

      writing a letter of authorization. Each attending member can only represent one absent member.

21. Fifty percent (50%) of all the Society members will constitute a quorum for the general assembly meeting. All issues to be

      voted on shall be decided by a simple majority of those present at the meeting in which the vote takes place.

22. There will be two annual meetings of the Executive Committee. Special meetings of the Executive Committee may be called

      upon by the President with at least seven days written notice. Fifty percent (50%) of all members of the Executive Committee

      will constitute a quorum for the meeting. Any decision or approval of the meeting requires a majority vote.

23. Members of the Executive Committee should attend the meeting of the Executive Committee in person. A member of the

      Executive Committee who fails to attend the committee meeting twice in a row without reasonable excuses will be regarded

      as having tended his/her resignation.


ARTICLE V – Member fees and Supplements

24. The annual dues is 300NT dollars.

25. Issues that are not specified in the Bylaws will be managed by The Executive Committee according to relevant regulations

      and laws of the Taiwan Government. Amended: Dec 2011