指 導 教 授:彭 國 証 Adviser:Prof. K.C. Peng |
研究室電話 |
03-8633635 |
實驗室電話 |
03-8633647 |
E-mail |
美國克來蒙遜大學 生物化學系博士,1987-1992 |
國立中興大學植物所碩士1981-1983 |
國立中興大學植物系學士1977-1981 |
長青生物科技股份有限公司,2001-2003 |
基因數碼生物科技股份有限公司,2001-2003 |
私立元智大學,通識教育中心,助理教授,2001-2001 |
法國國家衛生院,U478 研究單位,1998-2000 |
瑞安大藥廠股份有限公司,高級研究員,1996-1998 |
美國喬治亞大學,博士後研究,1993-1996 |
美國克來蒙遜大學,生物化學系,助教,1989-1991 |
美國克來蒙遜大學,生物化學系,助理,1987-1989 |
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從Trichoderma harzianum ETS323對植物病源真菌存在時,胞內、外蛋白質體著手了解生物防治之分子機制。Two Manuscripts將送Fungal Genetic and Biology (No. 1 in Fungal research related journals)審查。 |
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從Trichoderma harzianum ETS323對植物病源真菌存在時,胞外代謝物著手了解生物防治之分子機制。從Trichoderma harzianum ETS323大量純化出二種能抑制植物病源真菌菌絲生長與提昇作物種子萌芽及根系發展的anthraquinones的衍生物chrysophanol及pachybisin。進一步了解T. harzianum生物防治的機制。此結果專利申請中,並發表於Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods。 |
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chrysophanol及pachybisin 據有protein photocleaver 性質,manuscript已送Journal審查。 |
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Crystal structure of xylanase from Trichoderma harzianum ETS323, its structure of function and enzymetic mechanism investigation. |
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將來自黑殭菌的四種黑殭菌素(destruxins from Metarhizium anisoplia) DE、DA、DMDB及DB純化分離,黑殭菌素應用於病蟲害之防治,另一方面也能抑制B型肝炎病毒。將此純化的四種destruxins以旋光分光儀(Circular Dichroism)分析,發現destruxins的二級結構具有β-turns的結構。將四種標準品溶於氯化烷中,可得到四種差異極大的圖譜,利用這四種圖譜做基本的母圖,可應用於destruxins的快速鑑定。此外,在模擬生物體內環境下,將各destruxins以相同比例混合。以CD分析,顯示destruxins會以單体的模式存在來產生生物活性的特性較高。此結果發表於Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods (SCI, impact factor 1.211, 50% in Biochemical Methods category) (in press)。 |
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已經從T .harzianum ETS323純化出四種細胞壁分解酵素,其中β-glucosidases有二種,xylanases有二種,全部的酵素動力學均已完成,xylanases不對cellulose有作用,具備了造紙工業應用的初步條件。其中二種β-glucosidases為首次在T .harzianum中被純化出來,它們的specific activities為同類酵素中第三、第四高,為真菌中最高及次高。預計近期內撰文投稿。 |
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利用β-glucosidases具有transglycosylation的作用,用以合成pentaose、hexose具有抑菌功能的oligosaccharide。 |
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目前已純化分離出其他種黑殭菌素,繼續研究分析其化學及生物功能。 |
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利用石英晶體微量天秤對微重量的敏感性,將二種登革熱單株抗體以不同的方法(glutaraldehyde、carbodiimide及protein A)固定於晶體表面製成登革熱免疫晶片,並分別以病毒培養液,模擬陽性檢體及臨床檢體作為樣品進行分析。結果顯此晶體能顯著的選別登革熱陽性與陰性,其對登革熱蛋白E及NS-1的偵測靈敏度達1.73μg/mL及0.74μg/mL. 此外亦製作兩種單株抗體結合的複合抗體免疫晶片,在以臨床檢體測試時亦呈現良好的辨識效果。此結果已為期刊Biosensors and Bioelectronics 發表(SCI, impact factor 3.5, top 10% in Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology category)。 |
期刊文章與論文發表 |
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Shu-Ying Liu, Chaur-Tsuen Lo, Chin-Piao Chen, Ming-Yih Liu, Jun-Hui Chen, Kou-Cheng Peng *. 2006, Efficient Isolation of Anthraquinone-Derivatives from Trichoderma harzianum ETS 323, Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods 70(3):391-5. (SCI, IF=1.201). |
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Shu-Ying Liu, Kun-Che Chang, Ming-Yih Liu, Chaur-Tsuen Lo, Kou-Cheng Peng* Alternative protein proteases: the photoprotease activity of chrysophanol and pachybasin (SCI, Submitted). |
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Kou-Cheng Peng, Hsuan-Shun Huang, Yew-Min Tzeng and Shu-Ying Liu. 2005, Circular dichroism analysis of destruxins from Metarhizium anisopliae. Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods, V62, pp 41-50 (SCI, IF=1.201). |
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Tzong-Zeng Wu, Chih-Cheng Su, Li-Kuang Chen, Hui-Hua Yang, Dar-Fu Tai, Kou-Cheng Peng *. 2005. Piezoelectric immunochip for the detection of dengue fever in viremia phase. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, V. 21, pp 689-695 (SCI, IF=3.463). |
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Yang WJ, Lai JF, Peng KC, Chiang HJ, Weng CN, Shiuan D. (2005) Epitope mapping of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae using phage displayed peptide libraries and the immune responses of the selected phagotopes. J Immunol Methods. V. 304(1-2), pp15-29 (SCI, IF=2.572). |
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Vandewalle A, Cluzeaud F, Peng KC, Bens M, Luchow A, Gunther W, Jentsch TJ. 2001 Feb. Tissue distribution and subcellular localization of the ClC-5 chloride channel in rat intestinal cells. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. V. 280, pp. C373-81 (SCI, IF=3.942). |
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Wu MS, Yang CW, Bens M, Peng KC, Yu HM, Vandewalle A. 2000..Cyclosporine stimulates Na+-K+-Cl- cotransport activity in cultured mouse medullary thick ascending limb cells. Kidney Int. V. 58 pp. 1652-63 (SCI, IF=4.927). |
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KC Peng, F Cluzeaud, M Bens, JPD Van Huyen, R Lacave, and A Vandewalle. 1999. Tissular and Cellular Distribuion of the Multidrug Resistance-Associated Protein MRP in Mouse and Human Intestine and Kidney. J Histochem Cytochem., V47, pp.757-68 (SCI, IF=2.208). |
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Peng KC, Puett D, Brewer JM, 1997, Homodimer formation by the individual subunits of bovine lutropin as determined by sedimentation equilibrium. J Mol Endocrinol. 18(3):259-65 (SCI, IF=2.474). |
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Angelova K, Ergul A, Peng KC, Puett D., 1997, Metabolism of endothelin-1 by neuroblastoma x glioma hybrid (NG108-15) cells. Neurosci Lett. 28;225(1):1-4(SCI, IF=1.898). |
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Zhang N, Peng KC, Chen L, Puett D, Pierce M, 1997, Circular dichroic spectroscopy of N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase V and its substrate interactions. J Biol Chem. 14;272(7):4225-9 (SCI, IF=5.854). |
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Bermek H, Peng KC, Angelova K, Ergul A, Puett D.1996, Endothelin degradation by vascular smooth muscle cells. Regul Pept. 22;66(3):155-62 (SCI, IF=2.272) |
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Peng KC, Bousfield GR, Puett D, Ward DN., 1996, Circular dichroic spectroscopy of Arg46-nicked ovine lutropin alpha and derived fragments. J Protein Chem;15(6):547-52 (SCI, IF=1.487) |
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DeSilva TM, Peng KC, Speicher KD, Speicher DW, 1992, Analysis of human red cell spectrin tetramer (head-to-head) assembly using complementary univalent peptides.Biochemistry, 31(44):10872-8 (SCI, IF=3.848). |