Experimental Designs 

Spring  2016


Course Info


Instructor: Yu-Ling Tseng.      Office Hours: W. 13:00 ~ 15:00

Prerequisites: Probability Theory, Statistics, Linear Algebra, Regression Analysis

Class Notes    
Example LaTex for transparences
Example LaTex output

期末報告  各組報告時間  30 分鐘  

0614 前三組, 0616 第四組報告,        地點:系會議室

評分方式:presentation style, understanding, team work, and time control.
Each with 25%.

期末考在6月21日 13:10 ~ 14:30 舉行

You may find this web helpful to better understanding Chapter 9.
  • The class notes will be available in text, pdf or postscript format unless specified otherwise.
  • Transparences: Introduction part 1     Introduction part 2 
  • A sample for you to start learning R: R program EX. 1  (table1, table1data)     R code for Chapter 2

  • Assignments       


    Problems   (課堂討論請挑選紅色標記的題目)

    Reading Assignment


    Chapters 1 and 2
    Chapter 2 # 4, 6, 7, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 22, 23,  37 (a, b), 38, 39, 45
    Chapter 13 # 14, 21
    Chapter 3 # 3, 7 (a, b, c, use SNK test for c ), 14 (a), 22 (a, b, d, e, also use SNK test for b), 24 (a, b, use SNK test for b ), 27 (a, c) 
    Chapter 3: 3.1 ~3.3, 3.5  and Chapter 5: 5.1~5.3.2
     R code for Chapter 3 etchrate example   etchrate data

    Chapter 4 # 1 , 2, 3, 10 (a, b, use SNK test for  b), 13 (a, b, d, SHK for d), 23, 29 

    Chapter 14 # 5 , 7, 9, 10

    Chapter 4: 4.1 ~4.2  R code for  Vascular Graft example

    vasgraft data

    R code for Latin square

    Chapter 14: 14.1 ~14.3  R code for Ch.14 purity example 

    purity data
    Chapter 6 # 1, 2 (a, b), 15 (a, b, e, f), 17, 25 (a)
    Chapter 7 # 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 21,  24, 25
    Chapter 6: 6.1 ~6.5
    Chapter 7
    Chapter 8 # 10 (a, e), 12, 14, 22, 30 (a, b, c), 51(a) Chapter 8: 8.1 ~8.7
    Chapter 4 # 40, 42, 45, 46, 49, 50 Chapter 4: 4.4 R code for Chapter 4  example4.5 p.170

    R code generate BIBD
     Selected sections in the textbook (Montgomery, 8ed) for presentation:
    1.    3.4, 3.5.1~ Model adequacy checking and (graphical) comparisons of treatment means (P. 80 ~ 91, 198) 
    2.    3.7, 13.4: Determining the sample size (P. 105~109, P. 587~588) and 4.2, 4.3: Replication of Latin squares, Graeco-Latin square designs (P. 163~168)
    3.    9.1~9.2:   factorial designs (P. 394~407) 李怡萱,陳璟元,鄒聯佑,范家禎組已選 Thu, 12 May 2016 13:57:32收到email
    4.    9.3~9.4: Fractional replication of  designs (P. 408~415) 戴培華,洪瑛璘,劉政剛,林伽昕組已選 Tue, 10 May 2016 22:28:52收到email
    5.    11.1~11.3: Response surface methodology (I) (P.478~500)
    6.    11.4: Response surface methodology (II) (P.500~520)
    7.    12.1~12.5: Robust designs (P.554~569) 林唯德、沈維揚、連育妏、陳怡婷組已選 Thu, 05 May 2016 20:17:32 收到email
    8.    13.6~13.7: Approximate F tests and topics on estimating variance components (P. 592~600) 蔡宜軒、古珮玲、許景植、江嘉容組已選 Tue, 03 May 2016 21:55:07 收到email 
    9.    14.4, 14.5.1~14.5.2: Split-plot, Split-Split-plot designs (P. 621~635)
    10.     3.3.4, 15.2~15.3 : Unbalanced data in a factorial design and analysis of covariance (P. 79, P. 652~676)

    1. R website (original, mirror @ Academia Sinica)
    2. Data Sets     Data Set in TXT   感謝天皇勞心勞力費神的將.xls的資料檔拆解成個別的.txt檔!!!
    3. DAE
    4. R ClassRoom
    5. SimpleR (by John Verzani)
    6. Document Reader: Ghostview, Acrobat Reader


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