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Real options is an important way of thinking about valuation and strategic decision making, and the power of this approach is starting to change the economic "equation" of many industries. (Amram & Kulatilaka, 1999)










種        類

說 明 例

適 用 產 業

參 考 文 獻

延後投資選擇(Option to Defer) 管理者持有"標的物"的租賃或買入契約,可以在今後的規定年限前,以規定的條件承租或買入標的物.

天然資源開鑿工業;土地開發產業;農產業; 造紙工業

McDonald & Siegel 1986; Paddock et al. 1988; Tourinho 1979; Titman 1985; Ingersoll & Ross 1992
階段投資選擇(Time-to-build Option; Staged investment) 系列投資的產出影響今後投資的決定,複合式選擇權的應用. R&D工業如製藥工業;高科技草創期;大型公共建設或電廠建設 Majd & Pindyck 1987; Carr 1988; Trigeorgis 1993
變更操作規模選擇(Option to alter operation scale, e.g. to expand, to contract, to shut down and restart) 隨外在市場狀況變化而做擴充,緊縮,暫停,重開等規模變更. 天然資源工業;季節性設施規劃和建設;流行服飾成衣業;消費財;商業物件 Trigeorgis & Mason 1987; Pindyck 1988; McDonald & Seigel 1985; Brennan & Schwartz 1985
放棄投資選擇(Option to abandon) 永久放棄目前營運的選擇. 交通事業;投資理財服務;不確定市場之新產品導入 Myers & Majd 1990
交換投資選擇(Option to switch, e.g. outputs or inputs) 隨價格或需求的變更,選擇不同的產出或投入方式彈性製造. 產出方面:


Margrabe 1978; Kensinger 1987; Kulatilaka & Trigeorgis 1994
投資成長選擇(Growth options) 早期投資是必需的或相關計劃是連結的,將來有成長的機會的投資選擇. 基礎建設工業或策略工業(高科技,R&D,)複合產業或多國籍企業營運;策略性購併 Myers 1977; Brealey & Myers 1991; Kester 1984, 1993; Trigeorgis 1988; Chung & Chjaroenwong 1991
交互策略投資選擇(Multiple interacting options) 規避下方風險的策略投資組合 以上列舉工業皆適用 Trigeorgis1993;Brennan & Schwartz 1985; Kulatilaka 1994.

(參考Linos Trigeorgis編Real Options- Managerial Flexibility and Strategy in Resource Allocation, The MIT Press,1999, P2-P3)





一、延遲投資的選擇(Option to Defer Investment)



二、階段投資期間不履行的選擇Option to Default during Staged Construction(Time-to-Build Option)



三、擴充投資之選擇Option to Expand



四、緊縮投資之選擇Option to Contract



五、暫停或重開之選擇Option to Shut Down and Restart Operations



六、考量剩餘價值之放棄選擇Option to Abandon for Salvage Value



七、切換利用之選擇Option to Switch Use (e.g., Inputs or Outputs)



八、公司成長之選擇Corporate Growth Options



相關文獻及內容請參考 http://www.real-options.com


Books on Real Options

Project Flexibility, Agency, and Product Market Competition : New Developments in the Theory and Application of Real Options Analysis 

          Michael J. Brennan(Editor), Lenos Trigeorgis (Editor) / Hardcover / Published 1999

Real Options

          Martha Amram, Nalin Kulatilaka / Hardcover / Published 1998

Real Options : Managerial Flexibility and Strategy in Resource Allocation

          Lenos Trigeorgis / Hardcover / Published 1996
Real Options in Capital Investment

Lenos Trigeorgis(Editor) / Hardcover / Published 1995

The New Investment Theory of Real Options and Its Implication (TOPICS IN REGULATORY ECONOMICS AND POLICY Volume 34)
James Alleman(Editor), Eli Noam (Editor) / Hardcover / Published 2000
REAL OPTIONS AND BUSINESS STRATEGY: Applications to Decision Making
Consultant Editor: Professor Lenos Trigeorgis of the University of Cyprus / Hardcover / Published 1999
Valuation of Corporate Growth Opportunities : A Real Options Approach (Garland Studies on the Financial Sector)
Richard E. Ottoo / Hardcover / Published 2000


Articles with a Theoretical Focus

Berger, P., E. Ofek, and I. Swary (1996) Investor valuation of the abandonment option, Journal of Financial Economics, Vol.42, No. 2, pp. 257-287.

Brennan, M. and E. Schwartz (1985) Evaluating natural resource investment, Journal of Business, Vol. 58, No. 2, pp. 135-157.

Cox, J.C. and S. A. Ross (1976) The valuation of options for alternative stochastic processes, Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 3, pp. 145-166.

Gibson, R. and E. Schwartz (1990) Stochastic convenience yield and the pricing of oil contingent claims, Journal of Finance, Vol. 45, No. 3, pp. 959-976.

Kulatilaka, N. and E. Perotti (1998), Strategic growth options, Management Science, Vol. 44, No. 8, 1021-1031 ABSTRACT

Kulatilaka, N. and S. Marks (1988) The strategic value of flexibility: Reducing the ability to compromise, American Economic Review, June, pp. 574-580.

Majd, S. and R. Pindyck (1987) Time to build, option Value, and investment decisions, Journal of Financial Economics, No.18, pp. 7-27.

Mason, S. and R. Merton (1985) The role of contingent claims analysis in corporate finance, in Recent Advances in Corporate Finance, ed. by E. Altman and M. Subrahmanyam, Homewood, IL: Richard D. Irwin, pp.7 -54.

McDonald, R. and D. Siegel (1984) Option pricing when the underlying asset earns a below-equilibrium rate of return: A note, Journal of Finance, Vol. 34, No.1, pp. 261-265.

McDonald, R. and D. Siegel (1985) Investment and the valuation of firms when there is an option of shut down, International Economic Review, Vol. 28, No. 2, June 1985, pp. 331-349.

McDonald, R. and D. Siegel (1986) The value of waiting to invest, Quarterly Journal of Economics, November, pp. 707-727.

Pindyck, R. (1984) Uncertainty in the theory of renewable resource markets, Review of Economic Studies, April, pp. 289 - 303.

Pindyck, R. (1988) Irreversible investment, capacity choice, and value of the firm, American Economic Review, Vol. 78, No. 5, pp. 969-985.

Pindyck, R. (1993a) Investments of uncertain cost, Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 34, pp. 53 - 76.

Pindyck, R. (1993b) The present value model of rational commodity pricing, The Economic Journal, May.

Pindyck, R. (1994) Inventories and the short-run dynamics of commodity prices, Rand Journal of Economics, March.

Tufano, P. (1996a) Who manages risk? An empirical examination of risk management practices in the gold mining industry, Journal of Finance, Sept., pp. 1097 - 1137


Articles with a Managerial Focus

Baghai, M., Coley, S., and White, D. with Conn, C., and McLean, R. (1996) Staircases to growth, The McKinsey Quarterly, Number 4, pp. 38-61

Baldwin, C. and K. Clark (1992) Capabilities and capital investment: New perspectives on capital budgeting, Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, Summer, pp. 67-87.

Baldwin, C. and K. Clark (1997) Managing in an age of modularity, Harvard Business Review, Sept.-Oct., pp. 84-93.

Copeland, T. and Keenan, P. (1998) Making real options real, The McKinsey Quarterly, Number 3, pp. 128-141

Copeland, T. and Keenan, P. (1998) How much is flexibility worth?, The McKinsey Quarterly, Number 2, pp. 38-49

Dixit, A. and R. Pindyck (1995) The options approach to capital investment, Harvard Business Review, May-June, pp. 105-115.

Froot, K. and D. Scharfstein and J. Stein (1994) A framework for risk management, Harvard Business Review, Nov.-Dec., pp. 91-102.

Hayes, R. and D. Garvin (1982) Managing as if tomorrow mattered, Harvard Business Review, May-June, pp. 71-79.

Kester, W. (1984) Today's options for tomorrow's growth, Harvard Business Review, March-April, pp. 153-160.

Kogut, B. and N. Kulatilaka (1994a) Options thinking and platform investments: Investing in opportunity, California Management Review, Winter, pp. 52-71.

Kogut, B. and N. Kulatilaka (1994b) Operating flexibility, global manufacturing, and the option value of a multinational network, Management Science, Vol.40, No.1, pp.123-139.

Kulatilaka, N. and A. Marcus (1992) Project Valuation Under Uncertainty When Does DCF Fail, Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, Fall 1992, pp. 92-100.

Kulatilaka, N. and N. Venkatraman (1998) Are You Preparing to Compete in the New Economy? Use a Real Options Navigator. Boston University Systems Research Center

Leslie, K. and Michaels, M. (1997) The real power of real options, The McKinsey Quarterly, Number 3, pp. 04-22

Luehrman, T. (1992, 1995) Arundel partners: The sequel project, Harvard Business School Case No. 292-140 and Teaching Note 295-118.

Luehrman, T. (1997) What's it worth?: A general manager's guide to valuation, Harvard Business Review, May-June, pp. 132 - 142.

Luehrman, T. (1998) Investment opportunities as real options: Getting started on the numbers, Harvard Business Review, July-August.

Mason, S. and R. Merton (1985) The role of contingent claims analysis in corporate finance, in Recent Advances in Corporate Finance, ed. by E. Altman and M. Subrahmanyam, Homewood, IL: Richard D. Irwin, pp.7 -54.

McDonald, R. (Forthcoming), Real options and rules of thumb in capital budgeting, in Flexibility, Natural Resources and Strategic Options, ed. by M. J. Brennan and L. Trigeorgis, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Merton, R. (1997), Applications of option-pricing theory: Twenty-five years later, Nobel Lecture, December 9, 1997. Journal of Finance