b=: 3* a=: i. 6 sum=: +/ tri=: sum\ a names=: 4!:1 names 0 +-+-+---+ |a|b|tri| +-+-+---+ names 3 +-----+---+ |names|sum| +-----+---+ erase=: 4!:55 erase <'tri' 1 names 0 3 +-+-+-----+-----+---+ |a|b|erase|names|sum| +-+-+-----+-----+---+ erase names 0 1 1 names 0 3 +-----+-----+---+ |erase|names|sum| +-----+-----+---+下拉表格視窗可以用來存、取與列印工作時程, 也可以用來開啟 指令稿視窗。指令稿視窗可以輸入與編輯任意行的句子,也可由之執行,並顯示在通常的執行視窗.
10.1 | Enter與experiment with programs defined in this section.
10.2 | 輸入句子 +/ 2 3 5 * i. 3 and press
Enter key to execute it.
following exercises describe facilities available only
under 視窗與麥金塔.
| |
10.3 | Use Up-arrow cursor key to move cursor back up
line entered in Exercise 10.2,與n: Press Enter to bring line down to input area. Use 左-arrow key to move cursor back to * 符號, and backspace key to erase it. Enter - to replace multiplication by subtraction, and 按Enter鍵to execute revised 句子. |
10.4 | Use cursor keys to move cursor to immediate
左of i 在句子 executed in Exercise 10.3.
n hold down Control key與press F1 key to display
Dictionary 定義of 基本單字 i.
10.5 | Press Escape key to close display invoked in
Exercise 10.4. n move cursor to 左so that it is
separated from line by one or more spaces,與again
perform Ctrl F1 to display individually boxed words 在句子.