C. 副詞與連接詞
Unlike 動詞, 副詞與連接詞have fixed valence:
an 副詞 is 單邊(applying to a single引數to its 左),
and a 連接詞 is雙邊.
連接詞與副詞 apply to 名詞 or 動詞引數;
a 連接詞 may produce as 許多as four distinct classes of results.
例如, u&v produces a composition of
動詞 u and v;and ^&2 produces
square by bonding power 函數 with 右
引數 2;and 2&^ produces
函數 2-to--power. 連接詞 & may
refore be referred to by different names for different cases,
or it may be referred to by single term and (or with),
which roughly covers all cases.
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