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玉里帶變質火成岩之岩石學-地球化學-定年學整合研究(II)  (科技部專題研究計畫) (與台大、中研院、美國佛蒙特大學合作)

萬榮地區含綠輝石的變質岩與圍岩之岩石學與地球化學研究  (與中研院、台大、日本東北大學合作)

台灣造山帶橫斷剖面岩石構造地質研究 (與德國耶拿大學合作)



太魯閣帶富錳變質岩與含硬綠泥石岩的礦物學與岩象學分析(與中研院、經濟部礦務局合作 )

- Current students' thesis topics


博三 Dominikus Deka Dewangga  
碩三 李宜臻  
碩三 劉康文  

- Alumni

2023 王雅芳

Using multi-thermobarometry to constrain the metamorphic conditions of garnet pelitic schists in the Tailuko belt  摘要&誌謝

2022 Enggar Wisnu Cahyaning Ratri

Petrographic characterization and P-T constraints on metamafic rocks from the Wanjung block of the Yuli belt, eastern Taiwan  摘要&誌謝

2019 Dominikus Deka Dewangga

Petrological characterization of serpentinites and related rocks from the Yuli belt, eastern Taiwan  摘要&誌謝

2019 葉芝穎

New constraints and interpretations on peak pressure-temperature conditions of metasedimentary rocks in the Yuli belt, eastern Taiwan  摘要&誌謝

2018 羅文翰 Zircon U-Pb geochronological constraints and whole-rock geochemical characteristics of metamorphic rocks in the Chinshuichi area of the Yuli belt, eastern Taiwan  摘要&誌謝
2018 劉樵

Equilibrium phase modeling and P-T constraints of meta-mafic rocks from the Tamayen area of the Yuli belt in eastern Taiwan  摘要&誌謝

2015 William Keyser Petrology and equilibrium phase modeling of metamorphic rocks from the Chinshuichi area of the Yuli belt in eastern Taiwan  摘要&誌謝
2013 黃佳偉 Petrologic characterization of amphibolites and mafic enclaves in metagranitoids in the Nanao area, NE Taiwan  摘要&誌謝
2013 黃會婷 Metamorphic Evolution and Geologic Implications of In-situ Schists and Mafic Rocks in the Juisui Area, Yuli Belt, Eastern Taiwan  摘要&誌謝
2011 藍景宏 Metamorphic Petrogenesis and Whole-rock Geochemistry of Tectonic Blocks in the Wanjung Area, Eastern Taiwan  摘要&誌謝
2010 洪志峰 Metamorphism and tectonic implications of garnet-bearing rocks in the Hoping area, eastern Taiwan
2009 郭妍伶 Characterization of sub-micron precipitates in clinopyroxene in garnet-cpx rocks from the North Dabie Complex
2008 許 琳 Mineral Chemistry and Petrography of Metamorphic Rocks in the Douling Group, Qinling Orogenic Belt, China


Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies
National Dong Hwa University
No. 1, Sec. 2, Da Hsueh Rd., Shoufeng, Hualien 97401, Taiwan, R.O.C.
TEL:+886-3-8905180 (Prof. Tsai)  +886-3-8905177 (Lab)