

致101學年度畢業生 — 吳茂昆


歡迎各位家長、同學,各位貴賓,參加本次的畢業典禮。謹代表東華 大學全體師生,表達誠摯的謝意。

Dear parents of the graduates, my fellow graduates, distinguished guests, welcome to Dong Hwa to join us for this important moment. On behalf of the entire University, I thank you for your presence from the bottom of my heart.

在這個充滿喜悅與歡欣的日子裡,我們熱烈的在此慶祝各位家長、師 長及同學們,多年來的努力終於獲得豐收。今天我們有190位同學完 成博士學位,有1581位獲得碩士學位,有1685位同學完成學士學位。恭喜你們。

In this joyful moment, we, parents of the graduates, teachers and all graduates, are here to celebrate the harvest of our hard works. A total of 190 students will receive their doctoral degrees, 1581 students finished their masters degree and 1685 students for their bachelor degrees.

身為東海岸最具規模的國立大學校長,我要感謝來自各地的家長們,其中約36.4%來自北部地區(含基隆市),桃竹苖地區有10.7%,8.8%來 自中、彰地區,7.6%來自雲、嘉、南,高、屏地區來的有14%,宜、 花、東地區有22%,來自離島(含金門、澎湖、連江縣)的約0.6%。此 外,我們今年有98位外國學生畢業。謝謝你們對東華大學的信任,放 心將你們的孩子在他們的黃金歲月,交給我們。我當然也要利用這個 機會謝謝東華的所有師長,謝謝你們盡心的陪伴我們的學生,帶領他們成長,養成他們的基本智能,讓他們能順利的踏出校門,去接受新的挑戰。

As the President of the largest national university in the east coast of Taiwan, I want to thank the parents, who come from all over Taiwan. Among them, 36.4% are from Taipei area (including Keelung), 10.7% from Taoyuan, Hsinchu and Miaoli, 8.8% from Taichung and Changhua, 7.6% from Chiayi, Yunlin and Tainan, 14% from Kaoshiung and Pingtou, 22% from the east, 0.6% from Kingman and Penghu. And we have 98 foreign students graduate this year. Thank you for your trust in us, your willingness to send your kids here for their golden years. I certainly want to take this opportunity to thank all the faculty members who have devoted their time to wholeheartedly accompany our students, to guide them, teach them the needed skills so that they can smoothly finish their courses and leave the university to face new challenges.

花蓮,是我生長的地方;這裡,空氣特別清新,人情味非常濃厚。在 東華校園同學們隨時都能聽到蟲鳴鳥叫、看到滿天星斗;有機會在到 上課教室的路上,遇上環頸雉在林間雜草漫步。大家一定也習於不可 預期的大晴天後的急風、驟雨;每位曾就讀東華的學子,都能親身感 受到這些自然的脈動,成為終身不忘的回憶。然而,我們若深入思考,了解東臺灣的特質,包括優美的自然景觀、乾淨的土地資源、近深的 海岸地勢、歷史人文的匯集,這些優勢條件是我們未來發展的絕佳資 源。因此,整合東臺灣的經濟生活、人文創新與社會培力,透過永續、多元及創新的核心價值理念,我們相信能發揮東臺灣的多元、多樣特 色,轉化目前的境遇,改善現況,促成新型產業的開發,塑造東臺灣 成為永續發展的典範基地。

I was born and raised in Hualien. It is a special place: filled with clean, fresh air and people with warm hearts. In comparison with other places, students at Dong Hwa can hear birds singing and bugs buzzing at anytime during the day, see the stars shining in the sky at night; occasionally you’ll meet the ring-neck pheasant wandering around in the beautiful lawns. There is also the frequent unexpected sudden heavy rain and severe wind after a bright, sunny morning. I’m sure every student here will never forget the memorable rhythms of nature at Dong Hwa. We must take a moment to think about eastern Taiwan’s distinctive qualities. Eastern Taiwan has been blessed with breath-taking natural beauty, clean air and land, proximity to the ocean, and a rich historical and cultural legacy. These are all invaluable resources. We believe that Eastern Taiwan can be a model for Taiwan’s future development. People will look at Eastern Taiwan as an example of how to encourage the growth of an area into a diverse, open, and sustainable land.

各位畢業班同學,今天是你們的日子,你們就要離開學校,我相信你們可以因應社會上形形色色的挑戰,成為有專業能力並能對社會負責的人才。現在是全球化的時代,我希望同學們要多注意國際事務,關心國際局勢的發展。各位將與全世界的年輕人在同一個平台上競爭與合作,我們無法置外於國際社會,任何國家的變化,都與我們息息相 關。知識的發展日新月異,瞬息萬變,各個專業隨時都會有突破與進 展。因此,我希望你們能持續自我要求、學習,成為有一技之長能建 立美好生活的專業人士,更期許你們能成為對社會有影響力的公民,讓東華以你們為榮。祝福你們,鵬程萬里。也祝福在座各位家長及貴 賓、師長,身體健康,萬事如意。謝謝!

To all graduates, today is your day! You are about to leave the university. As I said earlier, I have full confidence in you: you can face all kinds of challenges when you step into the outside world, and you’ll surely become a responsible citizen with specialized talent. In this age of globalization, I hope that you pay more attention to international affairs, and care for the changes across the globe. You will be competing and cooperating with other young people from all across the world. We cannot be isolated from the international community. Changes in any country are deeply connected with ours. The expansion of knowledge is rapid and unpredictable, every single profession constantly has breakthroughs and improvements. Thus, I hope that you continue to challenge yourselves to never stop learning and become a person with a special and unique talent. I also wish that you all become influential citizens who make an impact on our society. Donghwa will be proud of your accomplishments! Bless you! And we wish all distinguished guests and all faculty members’ blessings and good health. Thank you.