Department of Finance - Professor
2160-B Patrick F. Taylor Hall
Baton Rouge, LA
Phone: 225-578-6252
Fax: 225-578-6366
Ph.D., University of Iowa, 1988
B.B.A., National Cheng Kung University, 1980
Courses Taught
FIN 3826 - Investments
FIN 7826 - Investment Analysis and Portfolio Theory
FIN 7850 - Seminar in Investments
Teaching and Other Awards:
LSU Tiger Athletic Foundation Undergradute Teaching Award, Spring 1998
The Best Paper Award at the Annual Conference of the Multinational Finance Society, 1997
H.B. Harrison Paint Company/E.H. Harrison Lectureship Award, 1995-1996 and 1997-1998
National Science Council Research Fellowship, 1996
Outstanding Paper Award, 2008 NTU International Conference on Finance, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec. 11-12
Best Paper Award, 15th Global Finance Conference, Hangzhou, China, May 18-20, 2008
Research Interest: Investments, Corporate Finance, Market Microstructure, Investor Behavior, Market Efficiency
Selected Research Publications
''Stock Splits, Trading Continuity, and the Cost of Equity Capital.'' Journal of Financial Economics, forthcoming. with A. Singh and W. Yu.
''IPO Auctions and Private Information.'' Journal of Banking and Finance, 31, 5, May 2007: 1483-1500. Lin, Ji-Chai, Lee, Y.T., Liu, J..
''Dividend Policy, Signaling, and Discounts on Closed-End Funds.'' Journal of Financial Economics, 81, 3, September 2006: 539-562. Lin, Ji-Chai, Johnson, S., Song, R..
''Trading and Pricing in Upstairs and Downstairs Stock Markets.'' Review of Financial Studies, 15, 4, 2002: 1111-1135. Lin, Ji-Chai, Booth, G., Martikainen, T., Tse, Y..
''Internalization and Stock Price Clustering: Finnish Evidence.'' Journal of International Money and Finance, 19, 2000: 737-751. Lin, Ji-Chai, Booth, G., Kallunki, J.P., Martikainen, T..
''Trading Patterns of Big versus Small Players in an Emerging Market: An Empirical Analysis.'' Journal of Banking and Finance, 23, 5, 1999: 701-725. Lin, Ji-Chai, Lee, Y.T., Liu, Y.J..
''Risk Clienteles and Cross-Security Marketmaking: Evidence from Calls of Convertible Preferred Securities.'' Financial Management, 27, 4, Winter 1998: 41-52. Lin, Ji-Chai, Howe, J.S., Singh, A.K..
''External Information Costs and the Adverse Selection Problem: A Comparison of OTC and NYSE Stocks.'' International Review of Financial Analysis, 7, 1998: 113-136. Lin, Ji-Chai, Sanger, G., Booth G.G..
''Market Structure, Informed Trading, and Analysts' Recommendations.'' Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 32, December 1997. Lin, Ji-Chai, Kim, S., Slovin, M..
''Volatility and Liquidity at the Opening Call: A Closer Look.'' Journal of Financial Research, 18, Winter 1995. Lin, Ji-Chai, Lee, J.H..
''Trade Size and Components of the Bid-Ask Spread.'' Review of Financial Studies, 8, Winter 1995. Lin, Ji-Chai, Sanger, G., Booth G.G..
''The Speed of Adjustment of Prices to Private Information: Empirical Tests.'' Journal of Financial Research, 18, Summer 1995. Lin, Ji-Chai, Rozeff, M..
''Price Adjustment Delays and Arbitrage Costs: Evidence from the Behavior of Convertible Preferred Prices.'' Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 30, March 1995. Lin, Ji-Chai, Rozeff, M..
''Variance, Return, and High-Low Price Spreads.'' Journal of Financial Research, 17, Fall 1994. Lin, Ji-Chai, Rozeff, M..
''Trade Size and Components of the Bid-Ask Spread (Abstract).'' Journal of Finance, 49, July 1994. Lin, Ji-Chai, Sanger, G., Booth G.G..
''The Effect of Redemption Calls on Stock Returns.'' Review of Business Studies, 2, 1993. Lin, Ji-Chai, Chen, K.C..
''The Relation between Aggregate Insider Transactions and Stock Market Returns.'' Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, September 1993. Lin, Ji-Chai, Chowdhury, M., Howe, J.S..
''Fads and the Crash of '87.'' Financial Review, August 1993. Lin, Ji-Chai, Chowdhury, M..
''Order Persistence, Adverse Selection, and Gross Profits Earned By NYSE Specialists (Abstract).'' Journal of Finance, July 1993. Lin, Ji-Chai.
''Capital Market Behavior and Operational Announcements of Layoffs, Operation Closings, and Pay Cuts.'' Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, March 1993. Lin, Ji-Chai, Rozeff, M..
''The Bid-Ask Spreads of American Depositary Receipts.'' Pacific-Basin Capital Market Research: Volume III, 1992. Lin, Ji-Chai, Howe, J.S..
''Dividend Policy and the Bid-Ask Spread: An Empirical Analysis.'' Journal of Financial Research, Spring 1992. Lin, Ji-Chai, Howe, J.S..
''Partially Anticipated Convertible Calls.'' Financial Review, November 1991. Lin, Ji-Chai, Chen, K.C..
''Insider Trading in the OTC Market.'' Journal of Finance, September 1990. Lin, Ji-Chai,
Editorial Appointments
Associate Editor, Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies
Associate Editor, Financial Review
Associate Editor, International Journal of Business