Transportation Information
National Dong Hwa University is located in Hualien County, Shoufeng Township, bounded to the east by the Hualien River, to the south by the Lao River, and to the north by the Mugua River, with the Coastal Mountain Range to the southeast and the Central Mountain Range to the west, about fifteen kilometers south of the world-renowned scenery of the Taroko Gorge National Park. The campus is located beside Provincial Highway No. 9 (exit past the 216km marker for the Zhixue Gate or past the 218km marker for the Main Gate). The Zhixue Gate is 16km from the rear entrance of Hualien train station, 17.2km from the front entrance of Hualien train station, 3.5km from Shoufeng train station, 1km from Zhixue train station, and 21km from Hualien airport. Since the campus has an area of 251 hectares (650 acres), bicycles are highly recommended for campus-wide transportation. The following are various means of transportation from Taipei to Hualien City:
This is the fastest and the most convenient method of transport. A single ticket costs around NT$ 1,400. The flight takes about 35 minutes and you have to use the domestic airport at Songshan in Taipei City. After arrival in Hualien, there is a bus service to the campus or the university will provide transport.
There are many different types of train and their service and level of comfort depend on the price. For timetables and prices please see the Taiwan Railways Administration website. During peak times, it is better to book your ticket in advance. Some trains just go to Hualien City while others stop near the university (Zhixue train station).Transport by train from Taipei to Hualien City takes about 3-4 hours depending on the price of the ticket, while from Hualien City to the campus takes about 15-30 minutes.)
Bus or Taxi
The cheapest way to get from Hualien City to the campus is by local bus (NT$ 36) or more expensively, by taxi (about NT$ 300, Beipu Taxi Co. 0800-026-233, 03-826-2333).
We are pleased to invite you to the "Annual Meeting of the Taiwan Mathematica Society", which will be held at National Dong Hwa University on Dec 10~11, 2016. The aim of the conference is to enable participants from computational mathematics, applied mathematics, engineering, technology and industry to share their research results in computational and applied mathematics and related fields possibly leading to interdisciplinary exchanges and joint research. Online registration is now open. All are welcome to attend.
Map and Guide