Yu-Ling Tseng
- Office
- Department of Applied Math
- A409 Science Building
- Hualien, 97401, Taiwan
- Phone: (03) 863-3518
- Fax: (03) 863-3510
- Email: yltseng@mail.ndhu.edu.tw

- 1990-1994 Ph.D., Statistics, Cornell
"Good Exact Confidence Sets and Minimax
Estimators for the Mean Vector of a Multivariate Normal Distribution"
Prof. L. D. Brown.
1983-1987 B.S., Mathematics.Tsing Hwa University, Taiwan
Professional Position
- Department of Applied Math, National Dong Hwa University
- Associate Professor: 2003 to Present
- Assistant Professor : 1997 to 2003
Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica, Taipei
- Assistant Research Fellow: 1994 to 1997
Research Interests
- Statistical decision theory, Bayesian inference.
- Journal Reviews
- Annals of Statistics
- Journal of Chinese Statistical Association
Tsao, C.A. and Tseng, Y.-L. (2003). Post-Data Power
Estimation. Technical Report. National Dong Hwa University
Yu-Ling Tseng and Shao-Wei Wu (2003). Ranked-set-sample-based
tests for normal and exponential means. (submitted.)
Shao-Wei Wu and Yu-Ling Tseng (2003). Best linear unbiased
estimators for the simple linear regression model with
median-ranked-set-samples. (submitted.)
Simulated comparison on some predictors for binary sequences: to
randomize or not to randomize? Submitted. ~~ Joint with
Ling-Lien Su
Checking robustness against dependence of tests through the
infinitely exchangeability framework. In preparation.
Post-data power estimation. In preparation.
Tsao, C.A. and Tseng, Y.-L. (2003). Confidence Estimation for
Tolerance Intervals. Technical Report. National Dong Hwa
University (submitted).
Yu-Ling Tseng (2002). Optimal confidence sets for testing average
bioequivalence. Test. Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 127-141.
Yu-Ling Tseng (2003). Set-induced minimax estimator for a
multivariate normal mean. Journal of Statistical Planning and
Inference. To appear.
C. Andy Tsao and Yu-Ling Tseng (2003). A statistical treatment of
the problem of division. Metrika. To appear.
Meng-Fa Wang and Yu-Ling Tseng (2002). Test for a normal mean
based on ranked-set samples. JCSA.Vol.40, No.3,p. 391-418.
Yu-Ling Tseng (1998). Optimal confidence sets: from the effective
length aspect. Proceedings: The 3rd Conference on Stctistical
Computing of the Asian Regional Section of the International Association
of Statistical Computing. pp. 523-534. The only Invited Talk (with
discussion) from Taiwan (all expenses paid by IASC.)
Yu-Ling Tseng and L. D. Brown (1997). Good exact confidence sets
for a multivariate normal mean. The Annals of Statistics.
Vol. 25, No. 5, pp. 2228-2258.
Tsao, C.A. and Tseng, Y.L. (2000). Predicting the Correct
Prediction. Technical Report, National Dong Hwa University, Hualien,
Taiwan. (submitted)
Levine, Richard, Tsao, Chen-Hai and Tseng, Yu-Ling (1995).
Assessing the Effects of Low-Level Lead Exposure. Technical Report,
Chung Cheng University.
Tsao, C.A. and Tseng, Y.-L. (2001).
Predicting the correct prediction. Internatioal Chinese Statistical
Society Conference. Academia Sinica, Taipei.Tsao, C.A. and Tseng,
Y.-L. (1999).
A statistical approach to the Problem of division. The 52nd ISI
conference. Helsinki, Finland.Tseng, Yu-Ling (1998).
Optimal confidence sets: from the effective length aspect. 3rd
conference on Statistical Computing of the Asian Regional Section.
Manila, Philippines.
- Decision Theory
- Regression Analysis
- Hypotheses Testing and Interval Estimation
- Advance Statistical Theory
- Experimental Designs
- Statistics
- Mathematical Statistics
- Calculus
- Introduction to Statistics and Probability (for non-majors)