Chin-Ho Tsai   蔡金河   (中文版)    

Associate Professor  

metamorphic petrology; orogenic tectonics; applications of SEM/EPMA to geoscience research; optical petrography; environmental mineralogy

Ph.D., 1998, Stanford University; B.S., 1990, National Taiwan Normal University


Department of Natural Resources & Environmental Studies, National Dong Hwa University, No. 1, Sec. 2, Da Hsueh Rd., Shoufeng, Hualien 97401, Taiwan  

Phone: +886-3-8905180 Fax: +886-3-8900157   


Office Hours: Monday 2:00 - 5:00 PM; or by appointment


I am recruiting a post-doc researcher

International students: We welcome international students (PhD or MS). Please check the NDHU OIA's web page for more info about scholarships for international students. Please contact me if you are interested in joining us. 

Collaboration, Visiting scholarship, or Academic exchange   Proposals for research collaboration are welcome. Currently I have international collaborative projects with scientists in Germany, Japan, and the USA. Also we have built strong links with some labs in domestic institutes, e.g. NTU and  Academia Sinica. Eastern Taiwan is beautiful and ideal for researching/teaching/learning geosciences. If you are interested in visiting eastern Taiwan and/or initiating some academic exchange (e.g. study abroad programs), please feel free to contact me.

Principal Research Interests

My research interests are mainly on study of petrogenesis, microstructures, geothermobarometry, and tectonic implications of metamorphic rocks, especially of high-pressure (HP) origins, in orogenic belts.  Previous and current fieldwork areas include Dabieshan, Hong'an, Tongbai, eastern Qinling regions in central-eastern China, and the Tananao metamorphic complex in eastern Taiwan. The research approaches I use are in the areas of petrography, mineralogy, petrology, electron microscopy, micro-beam probe analysis, geochemistry, geochronology, and field geology. I am also interested in applying basic research principles and methods to environmental studies and education.

Ongoing projects include (1) field study, thermobarometry, phase equilibria modeling, geochronology, and chemical geodynamics of metamorphic rocks from the Yuli and Tailuko belts in eastern Taiwan; (2) petrologic study of several key litho-units in the Qinling, Tongbai, and Dabie orogenic belts of central China; and (3) applying geochemical and geochronological methods to study metamorphic rocks and related geologic processes.

My Curriculum Vitae

Lab, Facilities, and Research Group

SEM-EDS Lab has a scanning electron microscope (JEOL JSM-6380LV) outfitted with an energy dispersive spectrometer (Oxford INCA Energy 350). Collaborative projects (proposals) from outside users via access to this SEM-EDS facility are welcome. Please contact me for more information.

Petrographic and Sample-processing Lab has optical (petrographic) microscopes (Nikon E400POL and 50i, Leica DM LSP) with imaging systems (Nikon DS-Fi1-L2), stereoscopes (Zoomkop and Leica), electronic balance, sieves, ultrasonic cleaner, oven, GPS receivers, desktop and laptop computers, color laser printers, scanners, trim saw (8"), low-speed saw, and semiautomatic grinder/polisher (Buehler Metaserv 2000, Minpet 1000).

Research GroupOur group meeting is held weekly. Currently my research group includes five graduate students (3 PhD, 2 MS; four expected to graduate soon or in less than one year), one undergrad student, one research assistant, and myself.  Please contact me if you are interested in joining us. 


Last update on July 16, 2024

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