Chinese Version |
Ma's Publication |
Yuan-Ron Ma, Ph.D. |
Distinguished Professor, Department
of Physics, NDHU |
Email: yuanronma@gmail.com |
TEL:+886-3-890-3706 |
Current Positions at NDHU |
2021/08/01~ |
Distinguished Professor, Department
of Physics, NDHU |
Education |
1998 |
Ph.D. in Physics,
University of Nottingham, UK |
1995 |
M.Sc. in Physics,
University of Warwick, UK |
1988 |
B.Sc. in Physics, Tamkang
University, Taiwan |
Experiences at NDHU |
2018/08~2024/01 |
Dean, Office of
International Affairs, NDHU |
2021/10~2023/09 |
Vice President for
Administration, NDHU |
2022/03~2023/04 |
Acting Dean, College of
Science and Technology, NDHU |
2021/10~2023/01 |
Dean, Preparatory Office
for Academy of English Empowerment, NDHU |
2020/06~2022/04 |
CEO, Office of
Sustainable Development, NDHU |
2017/08~2018/07 |
Associate Dean, OIA, NDHU |
2015/08~2018/07 |
Head, Department of
Physics, NDHU |
2014/08~2015/07 |
Director, Center for
Asian Academics and Cooperation, NDHU |
2012/08~2014/07 |
Director, Recruitment and
Admission Division, OIA, NDHU |
2008/08~2009/01 |
Director, Student
Activities Division, Office of Student Affairs, NDHU |
2007/08~2021/07 |
Professor, Department of
Physics, NDHU |
2003/08~2007/07 |
Associate Professor,
Department of Physics, NDHU |
1999/08~2003/07 |
Assistant Professor,
Department of Physics, NDHU |
Academic and Social
Experiences |
2020/09~ |
Editorial Board Member,
Nanomaterials, MDPI |
2019/01~ |
Editor, Chinese Journal
of Physics, Elsevier |
2019/01~ |
Editorial Board Member,
Sensors, MDPI |
2013/01~ |
Editorial Board Member,
Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group |
2022/08~2024/01 |
Co-Chairperson, Executive
Committee, Division of Condensed Matter Physics, PST |
2022/02~2024/01 |
Executive Committee
Member, Division of Condensed Matter Physics, PST |
2018/10~2021/12 |
Executive Committee
Member, GASE Center, MOST Taiwan |
2017/01-2019/12 |
Panel Member, Physics
Division, Natural Office, MOST Taiwan |
2016/01~2018/12 |
Director, Physics
Society, PSROC Taiwan |
2016/01~2018/12 |
Chair, International
Affair Committee, PSROC Taiwan |
2015/08~2018/12 |
Editing Manager, Chinese
Journal of Physics, Elsevier |
2009/11/10~2017/10/22 |
Supervisor, Taiwan
Information Storage Association, Taiwan |
Honors and Awards |
2016-2024 |
NDHU Top Talent Academic
Rewards |
2016~2024 |
Award for ESI Top 1% Highly Citation in Science and Engineering |
2021 |
NDHU Research
Breakthrough Award (published in Advanced Materials) |
2021 |
NDHU First Academic Prize |
2020 |
NDHU CSE Excellent
Teaching Award |
2019 |
APSMR Award for
Outstanding Research Achievement and Contribution to GREEN |
2013 |
MOE Award for Outstanding
Teachers and Civil Servants |
2007 |
NDHU GEC Excellent
Teaching Award |
2004-2015 |
NDHU Research Excellence
Rewards |
Research Fields |
1D Nanomaterials, 2D
Ferromagnetic Materials, Electrochroism, Supercapacitors |
My Research Performance |
https://www.adscientificindex.com/scientist.php?id=412939 |
My Publication and Citation |
https://sys.ndhu.edu.tw/RD/TeacherTreasury/tlist.aspx?tcher=24 |
PS. English Abbreviation as below: |
APSMR (Asia Pacific Society for
Materials Research) |
ESI (Essential Science
Indicators) |
CEO (Chief Executive Officer) |
CSE (College of Science and
Engineering) |
GASE (Global Affairs and Science
Engagement) |
GEC (General Education
Committee) |
GREEN (Global Research Efforts
on Energy and Nanomaterials) |
MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital
Publishing Institute) |
MOST (Ministry of Science &
Technology) |
NDHU (National Dong Hwa
University) |
OIA (Office of International
Affairs) |
PSROC (Physical Society of
Republic of China) |
PST (Physical Society of Taiwan) |
UK (United Kingdom) |