My Friends are identical. .....Nuo & Dixi Mask.

    The unknown of the universe, you may call it UFOs, supernatural powers, prophecies, etc. As for me, IT is my ancestor. For its mystical being, too superior for human being to intellectualize, IT unfolds human psychic power and sharpens their non-sensory sensitivity to be in touch with Nature, as a result, to communicate with my ancester.

    I cannot tell you what IT looks like. If I can and do so, I doesn't exist. Neither am I possibly exited. It is human imagination gives me the form, and hereby I am born.

    So were many of my mask friends, such as Japanese Masks for the New Year Devil Dance and Tibetan Mask Dance.

Japanese Devil Dance

We are a team of three masks along with our drummer, tom-tom master. Our job is to drive out devils hidden in the house, especially during the New Year. We are most popular creatures for humans on the one hand, and most resentful for house devils on the other. Since everyone believes "Good start is a half of success," we help people sending away of devils or unpleasant spirits and prepare a clean and inviting environment for fortune gods/goddesses to reside in. Once, my other American mask friends told me that I am doing the same thing as American "Spring Cleaning." Is that true?

Masked Prince

Beautiful was I, a prince. It wasn't a good sign for a leader of a troop to look beautifully dandy during that chaotic era of wars. My enemy might think I was wimpy or sissy. As a result, their confidence would be enhanced and overpower my troops.

Inspired by all the Chinese mask rituals, which invited powerful gods to reside in a human body and drive away all harmful demons, I wore a mask to fight at the battlefield. It really brought us victory. So hereafter, I always wore a mask to fight with enemies. And this experience was learned by many Asian countries as to inspire their martial mask dance, such as Chinese Dixi and some Japanese Kabuki.

"Wilde Jagd" festivity in Austria

Masked figures from the "Wilde Jags" Christmas folklore festivity in Salzbutg, Austria.

These festivities originate through the Perchtenlaufen custom, a period when the fearsome witch Perchta, who envies happily married couples, roams the villages. Processions of horribly masked figures armed with sticks and clubs meet throughout the festivityu to chase the witch away.

(Reference: Laliberte, N. and Mogelon, A, 1973, Masks, Face Coverings and Headgear, New York: An Art Horizons Book)

Davil dancers at a religious festival in Venezuela.

(Photographs courtesy Organization of American States, Washington.  Reference: Laliberte, N. and Mogelon, A, 1973, Masks, Face Coverings and Headgear, New York: An Art Horizons Book)


Designed by Rita Chu, the last edited on Jul 1, 1997.