Level u L: n  _ _ _

連接詞 L: applies 動詞 u at levels specified by n . 右引數 n behaves like that of rank 連接詞 in several respects:
  • It may have three 分子, specifying levels for 單邊ic, 左,與右cases
  • full form of levels used is 3$&.|.n . 例如, a 2-分子 list p,q 同於 q,p,q .
  • Negative values are complementary: u L:(-r) y « u L:(0>.(L.y)-r) y

   ] y=: (<<2 3 4),<(5 6 ; <<i. 2 3)
||2 3 4|||5 6|+-----+||
|+-----+||   ||0 1 2|||
|       ||   ||3 4 5|||
|       ||   |+-----+||
|       |+---+-------+|

   +: L: 0 y                   副詞 L:0 may be called leaf
||4 6 8|||10 12|+------+||
|+-----+||     ||0 2  4|||
|       ||     ||6 8 10|||
|       ||     |+------+||
|       |+-----+--------+|

   2 # L: 0 y
||2 2 3 3 4 4|||5 5 6 6|+-----+||
|+-----------+||       ||0 1 2|||
|             ||       ||0 1 2|||
|             ||       ||3 4 5|||
|             ||       ||3 4 5|||
|             ||       |+-----+||
|             |+-------+-------+|

   2 # L: 1 y
||2 3 4|2 3 4|||5 5 6 6|+-----+-----+||
|+-----+-----+||       ||0 1 2|0 1 2|||
|             ||       ||3 4 5|3 4 5|||
|             ||       |+-----+-----+||
|             |+-------+-------------+|
