Rank u"n  

動詞 u"n applies u to each 框格as specified by rank n .full form of rank used is 3 $&.|. n . 例如, if n=:2, three ranks are 2 2 2,and if n=: 2 3,y are 3 2 3 . A negative rank is complementary: u"(-r) y is equivalent to u"(0>.(#$y)-r) y .
   (] ; , ; ,"2) y=: a. {~ (a.i.'A') + i. 2 3 4
|EFGH|                        |MNOPQRSTUVWX|
|IJKL|                        |            |
|    |                        |            |
|MNOP|                        |            |
|QRST|                        |            |
|UVWX|                        |            |

   (<"0 ; <"1 ; <"2 ; <"3 ,&< <"_1) y     Boxing of ranks 0 1 2 3 _1
|+-+-+-+-+|+----+----+----+|+----+----+||    ||+----+----+|
||I|J|K|L||                |           ||MNOP||           |
|+-+-+-+-+|                |           ||QRST||           |
|         |                |           ||UVWX||           |
|+-+-+-+-+|                |           |+----+|           |
||M|N|O|P||                |           |      |           |
|+-+-+-+-+|                |           |      |           |
||Q|R|S|T||                |           |      |           |
|+-+-+-+-+|                |           |      |           |
||U|V|W|X||                |           |      |           |
|+-+-+-+-+|                |           |      |           |

   ('*#' ,"0 1 ' abcde') ; (+/"2 i. 2 3 4) ; (+/"_1 i. 2 3 4)
|* abcde|12 15 18 21|12 15 18 21|
|# abcde|48 51 54 57|48 51 54 57|
