

分子生物學技術 (Molecular Biology Technology)


訪問教授 (Visiting professor)

黃郁文教授, Dr. Yue-Wern Huang from Missouri University of Science and Technology, 2008


弘光科技大學生物科技系 (Adjunct assistant professor)

張為棠 兼任助理教授

慈濟大學醫學院醫學檢驗生物技術學系 (Assistant professor)

 劉瑞雰 助理教授

東華大學生命科學系 (Assistant professor)

School of Science and Medicine, Lake Superior State University (Assistant professor)

 陳季緯 助理教授


博士後研究員 (Postdoctor)

 劉瑞雰 (2012-2015)


博士班研究生 (Graduate students in PhD program)


碩士班研究生 (Graduate students in MS program)


碩士級專任助理 (Research Assistants)

李政峰 (2009-2010)

李承頤 (2009-2010)

張沛祺 (2013-2014)


士畢業生 (with Ph.D. degree from the lab)

1.張為棠, Microsugar Chang (2003-2005)

2.劉瑞雰 (2007-2012) 細胞穿透胜肽運送奈米物質進入細胞之研究 (Cellular internalization of nanomaterials mediated by cell-penetrating peptides)


碩士畢業生 (with MS degree from the lab)

1. 林如玉 (1998-2001) 人類紅血球生成激素CACA區域基因調節蛋白之選殖(Isolation of a new modulator inhibiting the human erythropoietin gene expression through the CACA motif in the hypoxia-response enhancer)

2. 許建發 (2000-2002) 新式蛋白質傳送系統與人類共活化者SRC-1作用因子之研究(Studies of a novel protein delivery system and interacting proteins of the human coactivator SRC-1) 

3. 張為棠 (2001-2003) p73 抑癌蛋白質誘導人類神經母細胞瘤細胞的神經分化(Induction of neuronal differentiation by p73 in human neuroblastoma cells)

4. 林芸履 (2002-2004) 人類TR2細胞核受體基因的 轉錄調控因子之驗證(Identification of the transcriptional regulator for the human TR2 nuclear receptor gene)

5. 林志忠 (2002-2004) TR4細胞核受體對人類B型肝炎病毒之基因調控(Gene regulation of the human hepatitis B virus by the TR4 nuclear receptor)

6. 王志斌 (2003-2006) TR4核受體對人類催產激素基因近端啟動子之調控(Gene regulation of the human oxytocin gene proximal promoter by the TR4 nuclear receptor)

7. 王雅慧 (2004-2006) 核醣核酸干擾經由多精胺酸胜肽運送雙股核醣核酸進入細胞之研究(RNA interference mediated by an arginine-rich intracellular delivery peptide in cellular entry of dsRNA)

8. 陳崇斌 (2004-2006) 多精胺酸胜肽運送質體DNA進入活細胞之探討(Delivery of plasmid DNA into living cells by an arginine-rich intracellular delivery peptide)

9. 侯育彣 (2004-2006) 多精胺酸胜肽運送蛋白質穿越皮膚之研究(Transdermal delivery of protein mediated by an arginine-rich intracellular delivery peptide)

10.劉凱文 (2004-2006共同指導) 細菌IAA-Asp hydrolase經由AID運送至植物中之活性研究(Studies of bacterial IAA-Asp hydrolase activity in plants through arginine-rich intracellular delivery)

11.劉瑞雰 (2005-2007) 蛋白質轉導作用在細胞膜上的多樣性 (Cell membrane diversity in protein transduction)

12.蔡宜哲 (2005-2008) 多精胺酸胜在玉米轉位作用中之研究 (Maize transposition mediated by an arginine-rich intracellular delivery peptide)

13.王志浩 (2006-2008) 人類TR4核受體對類胰島素生長因子-I基因調控之研究 (Study of human TR4 nuclear receptor in insulin-like growth factor-I gene regulation)

14.胡家維 (2006-2008) 多精胺酸胜肽同時經由共價鍵及非共價鍵的方式運送蛋白進入人類細胞之研究 (Arginine-rich intracellular delivery peptides transport proteins into human cells through simultaneous covalent and noncovalent manners)

15. 呂淑菀 (2007-2009) 多精胺酸胜肽同時經由共價鍵及非共價鍵的方式運送蛋白進入植物細胞之研究 (Arginine-rich intracellular delivery peptides synchronously deliver covalently and noncovalently linked proteins into plant cells)

16. 李承頤 (2007-2009) 在哺乳動物細胞中建立飛蛾跳躍基因系統 (Generation of piggyBac transposon system in mammalian cells)

17. 李政峰 (2007-2009) 綠螢光蛋白-分泌型人類腫瘤壞死因子相關細胞凋亡誘導配體之建構與特性研究 (Construction and characterization of enhanced green fluorescent protein-secretable human tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (EGFP-sTRAIL))

18. 陳詠仁 (2008-2011) 細胞穿透胜肽在動物細胞之基因運送與表現 (Gene transport and expression by cell-penetrating peptides in animal cells)

19. 戴昀皓 (2008-2011) 細胞穿透胜肽在古生菌與草履蟲之基因運送與表現 (Gene transport and expression by cell-penetrating peptides in archaebacteria and paramecia)
20. 劉旻杰 (
2008-2011) 細胞穿透胜肽在植物之基因運送與表現 (Gene transport and expression by cell-penetrating peptides in plants)
21. 劉季鑫 (
2009-2011) 新型
R9-HA2細胞穿透胜肽運送蛋白進入細胞之研究 (Delivery of proteins into cells by new R9-HA2 cell-penetrating peptides)
Moumita Dey (2018-2020) 細胞穿膜胜肽HL6在人類子宮癌細胞中轉染作用之機制探討 (Mechanistic studies of transfection mediated by HL6 cell-penetrating peptides in human HeLa cells)


大學專題生 (Undergraduate students in BS program)

1. 曾元玨

2. 黃曼怡

3. 夏雨  黃文昕  宋俊瑩

4. 梁益誌  洪志平  陳季緯  李世儒  許袁通  李育瑋

5. 黃俞儒  陳湘芸  劉家瑋

6. 吳南瑩

7. 李珮甄  陳佳欣

8. 黃秉鈞

9. 林琦珉 吳致淵 翁仕哲(PostDoc. UCSD)

10.Jamie Statler   Angela Rudolph   Isaac Detherage

   from Missouri University of Science and Technology 

11.黃月蓮 蔡宗翰

12.洪國凱 陳彥甫 沈珮君 陳佩秀 許哲誠 陳婉倩

13.林茜儀 葉柏宏 黃家瑋


15.劉思龍 林念全 何姵儒 盧錞邑


17.譚衣翎 呂亭儀 袁淡茵 陳奕明

18.魏子翔 莊佳潔


20.黃靖文 陳昱翔 顧敏曦 陳夆芝

21.梁恩慈 廖芷茹