Chapter 5 Neuron Structure and Function


I.     Overview

1.     Nervous (Nerve) system is the collection of all neurons (nerve cells) in an animal's body.

2.     A nervous system contains 2 parts: neurons and neuroglia (glia; glial cells). Neuroglia are inexcitable supporting cells which nourish neurons, insulate the axons of neurons, and help maintain homeostasis.

3.     Neurons are specialized excitable cells in the nervous system that communicate using electrical and chemical signals to generate action potentials (APs).

4.     A neuron structurally contains 3 major parts:

(1)  Cell body (soma) consists of the nucleus and organelles.

(2)  Dendrite is a neuron fiber that receives signals from its tip inward, toward the rest of the neuron.

(3)  Axon is a neuron extension that conducts signals to another neuron or to an effector cells.

5.     Resting membrane potential (Vrest, usually –20 mV to –100 mV) is the voltage of normal and unstimulated membrane potential (Vm) across the plasma membrane of a resting neuron.

6.     The physiological property of a neuron contains:

(1)    passive electric properties (regular conducted potential; graded potential)

(2)    active electric properties (unusual action potential)

7.     Action potential (AP, sometimes called spike or nerve impulse) is a transient transmembrane voltage (or membrane potential) across an excitable membrane in a neuron generated by the activity of voltage-gated ion channels.

8.     Myelin sheath is a series of Schwann cells surround the axon of a neuron. Each pair of cells in the sheath is separated by a space called a node of Ranvior (regularly spaced interruption of the myelin sheath (unmyelinated gap) along an axon).

9.     Synapse is a junction between two neurons, where electrical and chemical signals are transmitted. A synapse contains a presynaptic cell (terminus), the synaptic cleft, and a postsynaptic cell.

II.   Signaling in a Vertebrate Motor Neuron

1.     Electrical signals in neurons

(1)  Neurons can rapidly alter their membrane potential in response to an incoming signal, and these changes in membrane potential can act as electrical signals.

(2)  Most neurons have a resting membrane potential of approximately –70 mV, meaning that the inside of the cell membrane is about 70 mV more negatively charged than the outside of the membrane.

2.     Two factors ionic concentration gradients and membrane permeability establish mechanism potential.

3.     The sodium-potassium (Na+/K+) ATPase maintains the membrane potential. The Na+/K+ ATPase is an electrogenic pump that pumps 3 Na+ ions out of the cell for every 2 K+ ions that it pumps into the cell. Thus, the membrane of a resting neuron is polarized with the inside more negatively charged than the outside.

4.     The activity of the Na+/K+ pump can be inhibited by drugs, such as ouabain or digitalis.

5.     Changes in membrane permeability cause electrical signals.

(1)  Polarization represents the status of resting membrane potential, which is caused by ionic concentration gradients.

(2) Depolarization is a change in the membrane potential of a neuron from its normally negative resting membrane potential to a more positive value.

(3)  Repolarization is a return of the membrane potential of a neuron toward the resting membrane potential following a depolarization or hyperpolarization.

(4)  Hyperpolarization is a change in the membrane potential of a neuron from its normally negative resting membrane potential to a more negative value.

(2)~(4) items are caused by membrane permeability which will be described by voltage-gated ion channels in Signals in the axon.

III. Signals in the Dendrites and Cell Body

1.     In the dendrites and cell bodies of neurons, the electrical signals vary in magnitude with the stimulus intensity, resulting from the opening and closing of ion channels, and are graded potentials (passive electric properties).

2.     Graded potentials are short-distance signals. Conduction with decrement shows graded potential can travel through the cell, but they decrease in strength as they get further away from the opened Na+ ion channel.

3.     Graded potentials can trigger action potentials at the axon hillock. If a graded potential causes the membrane potential at the axon hillock to depolarize beyond the threshold potential, the axon will fire an action potential according to the all-or-none principle.

4.     Excitatory potential (EP) is a change in the membrane potential in a neuron that increases the probability of action potential initiation in that cell. Inhibitory potential (IP) is a change in the membrane potential that makes a neuron less likely to generate an action potential.

5.     Graded potentials can be integrated across time and space. Temporal summation is a process by which graded potentials occurring at slightly different times combine to influence the net graded potential of a cell. Spatial summation is a process by which graded potentials occurring at the same time but at different points in the membrane combine to influence the net graded potential of a cell.

IV. Signals in the Axon

1.     Action potentials can be transmitted across long distances without degrading. Action potentials differ from graded potentials in many respects: magnitude, duration, distance, position, and ion channels.

2.     An action potential typically has 3 phases:

(1)  Depolarization phase: is the initial part of an action potential during which the electrical difference across the membrane. The action potential (about +30 mV) is triggered when the membrane potential at the axon hillock reaches threshold.

(2)  Repolarization phase: is a return of the membrane potential of a neuron toward the resting membrane potential.

(3)  (After-)hyperpolarization phase: varies greatly among neurons for the duration (2-15 msec) and size.

3.     Voltage-gated ion channels generate the action potential.

(1)  Opening of voltage-gated Na+ ion channels (increased influx of Na+) at the threshold potential causes the depolarization phase of the action potential, and slow opening of voltage-gated K+ ion channels (increased outflux of K+)  initiates the repolarization and hyperpolarization phases in neurons.

(2)  The Hodgkin cycle is a regenerative, or positive feedback, loop responsible for the upstroke of the action potential; depolarization causes an increase in the Na+ permeability, permitting an increased influx of Na+, which further depolarizes the membrane.

4.     Vertebrate motor neurons are myelinated.

(1)  Schwann cells (glial cells) form the myelin sheath by wrapping in a spiral pattern around the axon of the neuron.

(2)  Areas of exposed axonal membrane are nodes of Ranvier that contain high densities of voltage-gated ion  channels.

(3)  Saltatory conduction is the mode of conduction of action potentials in myelinated axons in which action potentials appear to jump from one node of Ranvier to the next.

V.   Signals across the Synapse

1. Synapses can be divided into two general classes: electrical synapses and chemical synapses.

(1) Electrical synapses are specialized connections between neurons that facilitate direct electrical, ionic, and small metabolite communication. They are composed of tens to thousands of gap junctions clustered together into plaques.

(2) Chemical synapses are neuron-to-neuron connections via which neurotransmitters transfer nerve impulses in one way direction.

2.     Intracellular Ca2+ regulates neurotransmitter release.

(1)  When an action potentail reaches the membrane of the presynaptic axon terminus of a synapse or the neuromuscular junction (NMJ), the resulting depolarization triggers the opening of voltage-gated Ca2+ ion channels on the cell membrane of the axon terminus.

(2)  The resulting increased Ca2+ concentration provides a signal for exocytosis of synaptic vesicles to release neurotransmitter into the synaptic cleft. Synaptic cleft is a narrow gap between the presynaptic and postsynaptic terminals in a chemical synapse.

3.     Neurotransmitter diffuses across the synaptic cleft and bind to specific receptors (e.g., acetylcholine receptor) on the membrane of postsynaptic cell.

4.     Binding of neurotransmitter to receptor activates signal transduction pathways.

5.     Acetylcholine (ACh) is the first identified and the primary neurotransmitter at the vertebrate neuromuscular junction.

(1)  ACh synthesis occurs in the axon terminus in a reaction catalyzed by the enzyme choline acetyltransferase (ChAT): acetyl CoA from the mitochondria is combined with choline to form ACh and coenzyme A (CoA).

(2)  Signaling is terminated by acetylcholinesterase (AChE) to break the ACh down into choline and acetate.

6. Neurotoxins are substances that can alter the structure or function of the nervous system. So far, more than 1,000 chemicals are known to have neurotoxic effects in animals. For example,

(1) Curare (D-tubocurarine), an ACh antagonist, blocks AChR on the postsynaptic membrane.

(2) Sarin (O-isopropyl methylphosphonofluoridate), a nerve gas spread in the Tokyo subway in 1995, blocks AChE activity. As a result, ACh increases in the synaptic cleft and the AChR becomes saturated. Death is caused by paralysis of the respiratory muscles.

(3) Tetrodotoxin (TTX), a neurotoxin commonly found in marine animals (such as puffer fish), blocks voltage-gated Na+ channels and prevents cell membranes from depolarization. This, in turn, inhibits action potential propagation.

VI. Diversity of Neural Signaling

1.     Structural diversity of neurons

(1)  Neurons can be divided into 3 classes based on their function:

       1)    Sensory (or afferent) neurons

       2)    Interneurons

       3)    Motro (or efferent) neurons

(2)  Neurons can be associated with glial cells in vertebrates, e.g., astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, microglial cells, and ependymal cells.

2.     Diversity of signal conduction

(1)  Conduction speed varies among axons.

Animals use 2 main strategies for increasing the speed of action potential conduction: myelination and increasing the diameter of the axon.

(2)  The cable properties of the axon influence current flow. The passive conduction properties are called cable, because they are analogous to properties of long copper telecommunication cables. For example, Ohm's law describes the relationship between current (I) and voltage (V): V = IR, whereas R is the resistance of the circuit. Thus, current is proportional to the voltage drop across a circuit, and inversely proportional to the resistance.

3.     Diversity of synaptic transmission

(1)  Electrical synapse is a junction that the electrical signal in the presynaptic cell is directly transferred to the postsynaptic cell through the gap junctions.

(2)  Chemical synapse is a junction between a neuron and another cell in which the signal is transmitted across the synapse in the form of a neurotransmitter. Most neurons, however, do not form gap junctions with their target cells.

(3)  There are many types of neurotransmitters.

(4)  Neurotransmitters can be excitatory or inhibitory.

1)    Excitatory neurotransmitters generally cause depolarization, making the postsynaptic cell more likely to generate an action potential. These depolarizations are called excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs). Opening of voltage-gated Na+ ion channels can lead to EPSPs at chemical synapses.

2)    Inhibitory neurotransmitters generally cause hyperpolarization, making the postsynaptic cell less likely to generate an action potential. These hyperpolarizations are called inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs). Opening of voltage-gated K+ or Cl- ion channels can lead to IPSPs at chemical synapses.

(5) Synaptic summation―Several excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSP) and inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSP) add together