Chapter 11 Respiratory Systems


I.     Overview

1.    Respiration can be either aerobic or anaerobic. Some organisms can switch between aerobic and anaerobic respiration.

2 Cellular respiration is the process by which mitochondria consume oxygen, produce carbon dioxide, and supply the ATP. There are 3 main steps of cellular respiration: glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation.

3.     External respiration is the process by which animals exchange gases with the environment to supply oxygen to the mitochondria and to remove the resulting carbon dioxide. In simple animals, the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide through diffusion into the moist membrane is mainly with the environment.

4.     Larger animals, however, rely on a combination of bulk flow and diffusion for gas exchange. Bulk flow in the circulatory system is a process called gas transport.

5.     Ventilation is an active movement of the respiratory medium (air or water) across the respiratory surface.

II.   Respiratory Strategies

1.     The physics of respiratory systems

(1)  The ideal gas law n/V = P/RT is the relationship between pressure, volume, and gas concentration. The concentration of gas (number of moles per unit volume, n/V) is proportional to the pressure at a constant temperature.

(2)  Henry's law [G] = PgasSgas states that the amount of gas that will dissolve in a liquid (solvent) is determined by the partial pressure of the gas (Pgas) and the solubility of the gas in the liquid (Sgas).

(3)  Graham's law states that when gases are dissolved in liquids, the relative rate of diffusion of a given gas is proportional to its solubility in the liquid, and inversely proportional to the square root of its molecular weight, diffusion rate = solubility/√MW.

(4)  Diffusion rate = D x A x Pgas x Sgas/X x √MW, whereas D is the diffusion coefficient, A is the cross-sectional area, and X is the diffusion distance.

2.     Types of respiratory systems

(1)  Three major respiratory strategies to facilitate bulk flow of gases from external environment to every cell in the body:

1)    circulating the external medium through the body

2)    diffusion of gases across most of the body surface (cutaneous respiration)

3)    diffusion across a specialized respiratory surface

(2)  Circulating the external medium through the body: this strategy is found in the sponges, cnidarians, and many terrestrial arthropods.

(3)  Diffusion of gases across most of the body surface (cutaneous respiration): this strategy is found in most aquatic invertebrates, terrestrial annelid worms, and some vertebrates (amphibians).

(4)  Diffusion across a specialized respiratory surface: this strategy is classified as either gills or lungs.

III. Ventilation and Gas Exchange

1.     The oxygen content of air is almost 30 times that of water at 20oC. Thus, water-breathing animals must ventilate their respiratory surface nearly 30 times more to move the same amount of oxygen across the respiratory surface than do air-breathing animals.

2.     Ventilation and gas exchange in water

(1)  In sponges (= poriferans; Porifera), the beating of flagellated choanocytes move water through ostia and into the spongocoel.

(2)  In cnidarians (Cnidaria), muscle contractions move water through the mouth into the gastrovascular cavity.

(3)  Most mollusks (Mollusca) ventilate their gills using cilia.

(4)  Crustacean gells are located on the appendages.

(5)  Echinoderms (Echinodermata) have diverse respiratory structures. Most sea stars and sea urchins use their tube feet with external gills for gas exchange. Brittle stars and sea cucumbers have respiratory tree (so called lungs).

(6)  Jawless fishes (hagfish and lamprey) have multiple pairs of gill sacs located at the anterior end of the body. Elasmobranchs (cartilaginous fishes) use a buccal pump for ventilation, while teleost (bony) fishes use a buccal-opercular pump for ventilation.

3.     Ventilation and gas exchange in air

(1)  Arthropods (Arthropoda) use a variety of mechanisms for gas exchange. Some air-breathing chelicerates (spiders and scorpions) have 4 book lungs. Some myriapods (centipeds and millipeds) have tracheal systems, while some aquatic insects breathe through siphons or carry air bubbles.

(2)  Both water- and air-breathing fish (lungfish) ventilate their lungs (swim bladders) and gills using a buccal force pump similar to other fishes. Animals similar to lungfish (and coelacanths belonging to lobe-finned fishes) are thought to be the common ancestor of the tetrapods (amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals).

(3)  Amphibians use cutaneous respiration, external gills, lungs (buccal force pump), or combination of these three methods of gas exchange.

(4)  Reptiles ventilate their lungs using a suction pump. During inspiration (inhalation), the volume of the chest cavity increases, decreasing the pressure, and causing air to enter the lungs. During expiration (exhalation), the volume of the chest cavity decreases, increasing the pressure, and causing air to exit the lungs.

(5)  Birds ventilate their lungs associated with many air sacs. Air enters the nares (singular: naris) and mouth, passing down the trachea (plural: tracheae). The trachea divides into two primary bronchi (singular: bronchus) that branch into secondary bronchi (dorsobronchi) as they enter the lungs, then into parabronchi (smallest pathways of a bird lung), lead into secondary bronchi (ventrobronchi), and back into primary bronchi.

(6)  The alveoli (singular: alveolus) are the site of gas exchange in mammals.

1)   The mammalian respiratory system is located within the chest cavity (thorax), and is divided into an upper respiratory tract (mouth, nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, and trachea) and a lower respiratory tract (bronchi and alveoli).

2)   Air enters the nares and mouth, passing through the pharynx and larynx, and entering the trachea. The trachea divides into two primary bronchi which branch into secondary and tertiary bronchi, and then bronchioles. The bronchioles terminate in thin-walled, blind-ended sacs called alveoli that are the site of gas exchange.

(7)  The tidal volume (VT) is the total volume of air moved in or out of the lungs in one ventilatory cycle.

IV. Gas Transport to the Tissues

1.     Oxygen transfer

(1)  The blood of many animals contains specialized metalloproteins which have metal ions to bind oxygen reversibly.

(2)  Hemoglobin (Hb) is the oxygen carrier in vertebrate erythrocytes, and Hb increases the oxygen carrying capacity by 50-fold.

(3)  There are 3 main types of respiratory pigments:

1)    hemoglobins

2)    hemocyanins

3)    hemerythrins

(4)  Hemoglobins

1)    Hemoglobins are the most common type of respiratory pigments in vertebrates, nematodes, some annelids, some crustaceans, and some insects.

2)    A hemoglobin contains 4 globin molecules which are members of the globin family. Hemoglobin is a tetrameric protein (2 α-chains and 2 b-chains) with a molecular mass of 68 kDa.

3)    Each globin contains a heme molecule, which has a porphyrin ring containing ferrous iron at the center.

4)    The iron molecules in hemoglobin give vertebrate blood its reddish color (oxyhemoglobin when deoxyhemoglobin is a dark maroon-red color). In mammals, approximately 97% of the blood O2 content is in the form of oxyhemoglobin in erythrocytes, and 3% is present as dissolved O2 in plasma.

5)    Myoglobin is a type of hemoglobins found in muscles. Myoglobin is monomeric, whereas the blood hemoglobin of vertebrates is tetrameric.

6)    The hemoglobins of annelids (earthworms) contain extracellularly nearly 150 globin molecules plus linker proteins that do not contain heme.

7)    A few marine annelids have chlorocruorins, also called as the green hemoglobins, that are composed of a globin molecule complexed to an iron porphyrin (slightly differs from that in heme of hemoglobin).

(5)  Hemocyanins

1)    Hemocyanins are found in arthropods and mollusks.

2)    Hemocyanins contain copper which is complexed directly to protein without a heme.

3)    Hemocyanins are very large multimeric proteins containing up to 48 subunits per molecule.

4)    Hemocyanins are usually dissolved in hemolymph at high concentrations, rather than being located within blood cells.

(6)  Hemerythrins

1)    Hemerythrins are found in species from 4 invertebrate phyla (sipunculids, priapulids, brachiopods, and annelids).

2)    Hemerythrins do not contain heme. Instead, iron is bound directly to protein.

3)    Hemerythrins are generally trimeric or octameric molecules in which each subunit contains 2 iron ions.

4)    Most hemerythrins are found inside circulating cells (pink blood cells) and in muscle cells.

(7)  The shapes of oxygen equilibrium curves differ.

1)    Myoglobin is a monomeric respiratory pigment containing a single heme molecule with one oxygen-binding site. Thus, myoglobin exhibits a hyperbolic oxygen equilibrium curve.

2)    Hemoglobin is a tetrameric respiratory pigment containing four heme molecules with four oxygen-binding sites. The cooperative binding (cooperativity) is a phenomenon demonstrated by multimeric proteins in which binding of a ligand to one subunit increases the binding of other subunits. Thus, hemoglobin exhibits a sigmoidal oxygen equilibrium curve.

(8)  The hemoglobin-oxygen affinity is reduced by:

1)    decrease in pH

2)    increase in PCO2

3)    increase in temperature

4)    organic phosphate modulators (e.g., 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (2,3-DPG), ATP, and GTP)

(9)  The Bohr effect: a decrease in pH or increase in PCO2 reduces the oxygen affinity of a respiratory pigment.

(10) The Root effect: a decrease in pH or increase in PCO2 causes not only a Bohr effect, but also a reduction in the oxygen carrying capacity of the respiratory pigment in some crustaceans, cephalopods, and many teleost fishes.

(11) The affinity of hemoglobin for carbon monoxide (CO) is about 200 times greater than its affinity for oxygen. Hemoglobin saturated with CO is called carboxyhemoglobin.

2.     Carbon dioxide transport

(1)  Carbon dioxide is much more soluble in body fluids than is oxygen.

(2)  The majority of the CO2 is transported as bicarbonate (HCO3-) in blood.

(3)  Carbon dioxide reacts spontaneously in water to form carbonic acid (H2CO3), which can further dissociate into HCO3- and H+. Carbonic anhydrase (CA) catalyzes the formation of bicarbonate in the red blood cells.

(4)  Carbon dioxide binds to hemoglobin and forms carbaminohemoglobin.

(5)  In mammals, approximately 70% of the blood CO2 content is in the form of HCO3- and 23% is in the form of carbaminohemoglobin in erythrocytes, and 7% is present as dissolved CO2 in plasma.

(6)  The Haldane effect: the deoxygenated blood can carry more CO2 than can oxygenated blood. Thus, deoxygenated hemoglobin at the tissues promotes CO2 uptake by the blood, whereas oxygenated hemoglobin at the respiratory surface promotes CO2 uploading.

(7)  The chloride shift is the exchange of chloride and bicarbonate (Cl-/ HCO3-) across the erythrocyte membrane.

(8)  The respiratory system can regulate blood pH. The normal pH of blood is approximately 7.4 in humans; a pH above 7.7 or below 6.8 can be fatal. A Davenport diagram is a pH-bicarbonate plot ahowing the blood buffer line in the relationships between pH, HCO3-, and PCO2.

V.   Regulation of Vertebrate Respiratory Systems

1.     Regulation of ventilation

(1)  Breathing is automatically controlled by involuntary mechanisms (autonomic nervous system). Sensors in the medulla (medulla oblongata) monitor the pH of the cerebrospinal fluid as an indicator of CO2 level in the blood.

(2)  In vertebrates, the central pattern generators (the central nervous system) are located within the medulla of the brain to initiate ventilatory movements.

(3)  In mammals, these central pattern generators are located in the caudal medulla.

(4)  The pre-Botzinger complex is the primary respiratory rhythm generator of mammals located in the caudal medulla.

(5)  The parafacial respiratory group (pre-I complex), another neuronal complex, is coupled to the pre-Botzinger complex. Neurons in the parafacial respiratory group fire before those in the pre-Botzinger complex, and play a role in specifying timing of the rhythm.

2.     Environmental hypoxia

(1)  Hypoxia represents a condition with low environmental oxygen.

(2)  Hypoxemia represents a condition with low blood oxygen levels.