| 姓名 | 張菁華
性別 | 女
職稱 | 教授
聯絡電話 | (03)863-3558
最高學歷 | 清華大學數學博士
| 古典與泛函分析
| 東華大學應用數學系教授
| 東華大學數學系教授
| 花蓮教育大學數學系教授
2002/08~ 2006/07
| 花蓮教育大學數學系副教授
| 花蓮教育大學數學系助理教授
| 清華大學數學系博士後研究
E-Mail Address
個人著作 (Publications):
A. 期刊論文
- C.H. Chang and C.W. Ha, (2009), "Central Factorial Numbers and Values of Bernoulli and Euler Polynomials at Rationals ",
Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 30, 214 - 226.
- C.H. Chang and C.W. Ha, (2006), "A multiplication theorem for the Lerch zeta function and explicit representations of the Bernoulli and Euler polynomials",
J. Math. Anal. Appl., 315, 758-767.
- C.H. Chang and C.W. Ha, (2006), "On identities involving Bernoulli and Euler polynomials", Fibonacci Quarterly, 44, 39-45.
- C.H. Chang, (2003), "Norm inequalities of periodic functions and their derivatives", Arch. Math., 81, 327-334.
- C.H. Chang and C.W. Ha, (2002), "Eulerian polynomials and related explicit formulas", Fibonacci Quarterly, 40, 399-404.
- C.H. Chang and C.W. Ha, (2002), "The Green functions of a class of boundary value problems and their traces", Numer. Funct. Anal. Optimi. 23, 61-67.
- C.H. Chang and C.W. Ha, (2001), "On recurrence relations for Bernoulli and Euler numbers",
Bull. Austral. Math. Soc., 64, 469-474.
- C.H. Chang and C.W. Ha, (2001), "The Green functions of some
boundary value problem via the Bernoulli and Euler polynomials",
Arch. Math., 76, 360-365.
- C.H. Chang and C.W. Ha, (1999), "Sharp inequalities of singular values of smooth kernels",
Integral Equations Operator Theory, 35, 20-27.
- C.H. Chang and C.W. Ha, (1999), "On eigenvalues of differentiable
positive definite kernels", Integral Equations Operator Theory,
- C.H. Chang and C.W. Ha, (1998), "Bounds for the singular values of
smooth kernels", Colloq. Math., 78, 319-324.
- C.H. Chang and C.C. Lin, (1995), "Weighted L^2-multipliers",
Rocky Mountain J. Math., 25, 927-934.
B. 研討會論文
- C. H. Chang "Lerch Zeta functions and Eulerian polynomials", Mathematics Analysis Seminar, NCUE, Chang-Hua, January, 2012.
- C. H. Chang "Explicit Representations of Derivative Polynomials for Tangent and Secant" Annual Meeting of Mathematical Society, R.O.C., NCCU, Chiayi, December, 2009.
- C. H. Chang "Central Factorial Numbers and Values of Bernoulli and Euler
Polynomials at Rationals", Annual Meeting of Mathematical Society, R.O.C., NTHU, Hsinchu, December, 2008.
- C. H. Chang "The Green function of a simple boundary value problem and its trace
", Analysis Seminar, NDHU, Hualien, January, 2006.
- C. H. Chang "On identities involving Bernoulli and Euler polynomials",
International Conference on Analysis and Its Applications, R.O.C., NCUE, Chang-Hua, May, 2004.
- C. H. Chang "Norm inequalities of periodic functions and their derivatives", Annual Meeting of Mathematical Society, R.O.C., NCU, Chung-Li, December, 2003.
- C. H. Chang "Eulerian polynomials and related explicit formulas", Analysis Seminar, NCU, Chung-Li, October, 2002.
- C. H. Chang "The Green functions of a class of boundary value problems and their traces", Analysis Seminar, NSYSU, Kaoshiung, June, 2002.
- C. H. Chang "Recurrence for Bernoulli and Euler numbers", Annual Meeting of Mathematical Society, R.O.C., NCHU, Taichung, December, 2001.
- C. H. Chang "On Gohberg-Krein inequality and application", Annual Meeting of Mathematical Society, R.O.C., FJU, Taipei, December, 1999.