Yu-Ling Tseng

Department of Applied Math
A409 Science Building
Hualien, 97401, Taiwan
Phone: (03) 863-3518
Fax: (03) 863-3510
Email: yltseng@mail.ndhu.edu.tw

1990-1994 Ph.D., Statistics, Cornell University

     "Good Exact Confidence Sets and Minimax Estimators for the Mean Vector of a Multivariate Normal Distribution"
           Chair: Prof. L. D. Brown.

    1983-1987 B.S., Mathematics.Tsing Hwa University, Taiwan

Professional Position
Department of Applied Math, National Dong Hwa University
Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica, Taipei

Research Interests
Statistical decision theory, Bayesian inference.

Journal Reviews

  • Tsao, C.A. and Tseng, Y.-L. (2003). Post-Data Power Estimation.  Technical Report. National Dong Hwa University (submitted).
  • Yu-Ling Tseng and Shao-Wei Wu (2003). Ranked-set-sample-based tests for normal and exponential means. (submitted.)
  • Shao-Wei Wu and Yu-Ling Tseng (2003). Best linear unbiased estimators for the simple linear regression model with median-ranked-set-samples. (submitted.)
  • Simulated comparison on some predictors for binary sequences: to randomize or not to randomize?  Submitted.  ~~ Joint with Ling-Lien Su
  •  Checking robustness against dependence of tests through the infinitely exchangeability framework.  In preparation.
  • Post-data power estimation.  In preparation.
  • Tsao, C.A. and Tseng, Y.-L. (2003). Confidence Estimation for Tolerance Intervals.  Technical Report. National Dong Hwa University (submitted).
  • Yu-Ling Tseng (2002). Optimal confidence sets for testing average bioequivalence.  Test.  Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 127-141. 
  • Yu-Ling Tseng (2003).  Set-induced minimax estimator for a multivariate normal mean.  Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. To appear.
  • C. Andy Tsao and Yu-Ling Tseng (2003). A statistical treatment of the problem of division.  Metrika. To appear.
  • Meng-Fa Wang and Yu-Ling Tseng (2002). Test for a normal mean based on ranked-set samples. JCSA.Vol.40, No.3,p. 391-418.
  • Yu-Ling Tseng (1998). Optimal confidence sets: from the effective length aspect.  Proceedings: The 3rd Conference on Stctistical Computing of the Asian Regional Section of the International Association of Statistical Computing.  pp. 523-534. The only Invited Talk (with discussion) from Taiwan (all expenses paid by IASC.)
  • Yu-Ling Tseng and L. D. Brown (1997). Good exact confidence sets for a multivariate normal mean.  The Annals of Statistics.  Vol. 25,  No. 5,  pp. 2228-2258.
  • Tsao, C.A. and Tseng, Y.L. (2000). Predicting the Correct Prediction. Technical Report, National Dong Hwa University, Hualien, Taiwan. (submitted)
  • Levine, Richard, Tsao, Chen-Hai and Tseng, Yu-Ling (1995). Assessing the Effects of Low-Level Lead Exposure. Technical Report, Chung Cheng University.

  • Conferences
  • Tsao, C.A. and Tseng, Y.-L. (2001).
  • Predicting the correct prediction. Internatioal Chinese Statistical Society Conference. Academia Sinica, Taipei.
  • Tsao, C.A. and Tseng, Y.-L. (1999).
  • A statistical approach to the Problem of division. The 52nd ISI conference. Helsinki, Finland.
  • Tseng, Yu-Ling (1998).
  • Optimal confidence sets: from the effective length aspect. 3rd conference on Statistical Computing of the Asian Regional Section. Manila, Philippines.