# Handout for APLM : # on Weighted Multiple Regression -- Blood Pressure Example on p427 of the text # prepared by Yu-Ling Tseng # (thanks to Dr. J.J. Tsai for the 1th version of this program) # data import ch11ta01<-matrix(scan("ch11ta01.txt"),ncol=2, byrow=T) ; # x1 <- ch11ta01[,1]; # y <- ch11ta01[,2]; dum <- data.frame("Age"=ch11ta01[,1], "BP"=ch11ta01[,2]) # regress BP on AGE # # dum <- data.frame("Age"=x1, "BP"=y) dum attach(dum) fm <- lm(BP~Age, dum) # To get Figure 11.1 # windows() opar <- par(mfrow = c(2,2), oma = c(0, 0, 2.7, 0)); plot(Age, BP, xlab="AGE", ylab="BLOOD PRESSURE", main="Scatter Plot") abline(fm) plot(Age,resid(fm), xlab="AGE", ylab="Residul", main="Residual plot against X"); abline(0,0); # Note: the plot exhibits a megaphone shape => noncontant var => try W.L.S.E. here # To get the weights w_i's # Since the plot exhibits a megaphone shape, apply rule 1 on p.425 to # get estimtes of the variances: # => Regress absolute residuals on AGE # dum1 <- data.frame("Age"=Age, "ABSei"=abs(resid(fm))) dum1 attach(dum1) fm1 <- lm(ABSei~Age, dum1) plot(Age,abs(resid(fm)), xlab="AGE", ylab="Absolute Residul", main="Absolute Residual plot against X"); abline(fm1); # To get Table11.1 on p427 of the text # ch11ta01<-data.frame("x1"=Age,"y"=BP,"e_i"=resid(fm),"ABS_ei"=abs(resid(fm)),"hat{s_i}"=fitted(fm1),"w_i"=1/(fitted(fm1)^2) ) ch11ta01; # To get W.L.S.E. using R... regress regress BP on AGE, weighted by w_i# fm2 <- lm(BP~Age, dum,weights=1/(fitted(fm1)^2)) # The equation (11.20) on p428 of the text # fm2 summary(fm2) # you can get the estimate of the standard deviation of b_w1 from this table....