Copyright © President & Fellows of National Dong Hwa University, College of Management

Tony Chieh-Tse Hou

Professor of Finance, Department of Finance

Sustainable Finance Research Centre

National Dong Hwa University, Hualien, Taiwan.


Tony Chieh-Tse Hou joined the faculty of the Management School in 2007. His research interests relate to the regulation of the financial markets, finance innovative activities and security valuation, carbon price and carbon trading, climate risk financial disclosure, ESG, and role of affect in human judgment and decision-making. In addition to his academic position, he also serves as the director of the sustainable finance research centre (SFRC) at the National Dong Hwa University in Taiwan.

Yushan National Park


Curriculum Vitae

Data Sets

Tony Hou in Working Knowledge

FinTech Research Initiative

Sustainable Finance Research Initiative


Areas of Interest

analysts/investors behaviour

corporate strategy

empirical finance

foreign direct investment




Carbon finance


Additional Topics


business policy

competitive strategy

intellectual property

industrial policy





management consulting

mutual funds



Asian Pacific


United States

侯介澤 (M.B.A., Ph.D.)





(03) 890-3142







Tony Chieh-Tse Hou, MBA, Ph.D.

Professor of Finance

National Dong Hwa University

Unit: Finance


(03) 890-3142

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•2024/01- 2024/07

國立東華大學國際處副處長兼國際專 修部主任


•2021/12- 2024/07

國立東華大學國際處副處長兼國際招 生組組長



國立東華大學國際處副處長兼永續發 展組組長






國立東華大學管理科學與財金國際學 士學位學程主任



財務管理/綠色金融/永續投資/碳權/ 產業政策與發展/企業減碳策略




PhD, School of Accounting, Financial Services and Law,

Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland.


PhD, Finance, Business School,

Cardiff University, Wales.


MBA International Banking

Birmingham University, England.


BCom Accounting and Finance,

Birmingham University, England.


Business Studies,

Warwick University, England.

Yale's Nordhaus and NYU's Romer win 2018 Nobel  Economics Prize for work on climate and tech innovation


working papers


•Sustainability Report Quality and Firm Performance.


•Temperature, Carbon Emissions and Cash Holdings.


•Carbon Tax and Legal System impact on Carbon Emission.


•Impact of Independent Director's Network and Analyst Coverage on Corporate Social Responsibility.



Journal Articles



  1. Griffin Msefula, Tony Chieh-Tse Hou*, Tina Lemesi (2024) “Dynamics of legal structure and geopolitical influence on carbon tax in response to green transportation”, Applied Energy, Volume 371,2024, 3682. SCIE, Impact Factor:10.1.


  1. Tony Chieh-tse Hou, Ngoc Hung Tran, Griffin Msefula, Nokwanda Nokubongwa Dlamini (2025) “Corporate Carbon Emissions and Firm Performance in South Africa”. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, Vol. 14(1), 55-71. Scopus, EconLit.


  1. 侯介澤、王朝賢* 和 吳俊磊, 〈獨立董事社會網絡與公司信用評等之關聯性〉 ,《東吳經濟商學學報》,第一百零七期 十二月, 2023。 (其他具審查制度期刊) (2021年度「臺灣人文及社會科學期刊評比暨核 心期刊收錄」,經人文社會科學中心評比,2018 ~2020年本學報出版之期刊獲評為第三級 期刊。)


  1. 侯介澤、王朝賢* 和 謝明叡, 〈企業社會責任與公司財務績效的關係–公司聲譽的中介效果〉,《中原企管評論》, Volume 21, Number 2,2023年11月。 (其他具審查制度期刊)


  1. 侯介澤,<金融淨零與永續消費>,《財金資訊季 刊》,第106期,2023年10月。


  1. 林上閔*、桑國忠、侯介澤 和 陳寶玉, 〈客輪業者無預警停航之消費者保護機制研究/R esearch on Consumer Protection Mechanism of Passenger Ship Service Suspension Without Warning〉,《航運季刊》,第30卷, 第1期,第27-53頁,2021年三月。 (其他具審查制度期刊)


  1. Tony Chieh-Tse Hou, Simon Gao (2021) “The Impact of Economic Freedom on Financial Analysts' Earnings Forecast: Evidence from the Asia-Pacific Region”, Finance Research Letters, Volume 43, November 2021, SSCI, Impact Factor: 9.848.


  1. Huang, Chia-Hui, and Tony Chieh-Tse Hou (2019) “Innovation, Research and Development, and Firm Profitability in Taiwan: Causality and Determinants.” International Review of Economics and Finance,Volume 59, 385-394, SSCI, Impact Factor: 2.522.


  1. Hou, Tony Chieh-Tse (2019) “The Relationships Between Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Financial Performance: Firm-level Evidence from Taiwan.” Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, Volume26, Issue1, Pages 19-28, SSCI, Impact Factor: 8.741.


  1. Wu, Guan-Ru, Tony Chieh-Tse Hou, and Jin-Lung Lin, (2019) “Can Economic News Predict Taiwan Stock Market Returns.” Asia Pacific Management Review, Volume 24, Issue 1, 54-59. EconLit, Scopus, TSSCI.


  1. Gao, Simon, and Tony Chieh-Tse Hou (2019) “An Empirical Examination of IPO Underpricing Between High-Technology and Non-High-Technology Firms in Taiwan”, Journal of Emerging Market Finance, Volume: 18 issue: 1, page(s): 23-51. EconLit, ICI, Scopus.


  1. Hou, Tony Chieh-Tse, Phillip J. McKnight, and Charlie Weir (2016) “Returns to Buying Upward Revision and Selling Downward Revision: Some Preliminary Evidence from Canada”, Managerial Finance, Vol. 42 Iss 11 pp.1110 - 1124. EconLit, ESCI, Scopus.


  1. Hou, Tony Chieh-Tse, Weifeng Hung, and Simon Gao (2014) “Investors’ Reactions to Analyst Forecast Revisions and Information Uncertainty – Evidence of Stock Price Drift”, Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, 06/2014; Vol. 29(3), 238-259. Scopus.


  1. Hou, Tony Chieh-Tse, Phillip J. McKnight, and Charlie Weir (2014) “The impacts of stock characteristics and regulatory change on mutual fund herding in Taiwan”, Applied Financial Economics, Vol. 24 (3), 175–186.  FLI, EconLit, Scopus.


  1. Huang, Chia-Hui, Tony Chieh-Tse Hou, and Chih-Hai Yang (2013), “FDI Modes and Parent Firms' Productivity in Emerging Economies: Evidence from Taiwan,” The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, Vol.22 (8), 1240-1268. SSCI, EcoLit, Scopus Impact Factor: 1.073.


  1. Yang, Chih-Hai, Chia-Hui Huang, and Tony Chieh-Tse Hou (2012), “Tax Incentives and R&D Activity: Firm-Level Evidence from Taiwan,” Research Policy, Vol. 41 (9), 1578–1588. Scopus, SSCI, Impact Factor: 8.11.


  1. Findley, David F., Brian C. Monsell, and Tony Chieh-Tse Hou (2012), “Stock Series Holiday Regressors Generated From Flow Series Holiday Regressors,” Taiwan Economic Forecast and Policy, Vol. 43 (1), 1-48. EconLit, TSSCI.


  1. Hou, Tony Chieh-Tse (2012), “Return Persistence and Investment Timing Decision in Taiwanese Domestic Equity Mutual Funds,” Managerial Finance, Vol. 38 (9), 873–891. EconLit, ESCI, Scopus.


  1. Hou, Tony Chieh-Tse, Phillip J. McKnight and Torng-Her Lee (2012), “Momentum Strategies, Information Diffusion, and Investor Conservatism in Asian-Pacific Region,” Afro-Asian Journal of Finance and Accounting, Vol. 3 (2), 136-160. Scopus.


  1. McKnight, Phillip J., and Tony C.T. Hou (2006), “The Determines of Momentum in the United Kingdom,” Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Vol. 46, No. 2, May, pp. 227-240. Scopus, EconLit.


  1. Hou, Tony C.T., and Phillip J. McKnight (2004), “An Explanation of Momentum in Canadian Stocks,” Canadian Journal of Administrative Science, 21, 4, December. ISI, SSCI, Impact Factor: 1.689.


  1. 侯介澤,我國證券商債券部位透過通路銷售並支 付通路服務費之可行性及適法性研究,證券公會 季刊, 2018.12 [民107.Q4], 頁34-39。


  1. 侯介澤,許我一個資本市場合理的稅費制度,證 券公會季刊, 2017.11 [民106.11], 頁38-39。


  1. 林士傑、張蕙嬿、侯介澤,我國不動產逆向抵押 貸款發展之探討,存款保險資訊季刊, 27:3, 2014.09 [民103.09], 頁28-55。


  1. 侯介澤、賴威仁、彭俊能、葉俊沂, 臺灣銀行業整體經營風險之探討:羅吉特迴歸與 危險比率迴歸模型之比較,臺灣銀行季刊, 65:2,2014.06 [民103.06], 頁70-92。


  1. 侯介澤、郝彥瑞,遠期外匯契約避險策略之探討 ,中華管理評論,17:2,2014.05 [民103.05],頁(3)1-(3)17。


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