C. Andy Tsao
- Address
Department of Applied Math, National Dong Hwa University, Hualien
97401, Taiwan - Phone: (03) 863-3520; Fax:
- Email: chtsaoATmail.ndhu.edu.tw Web: http://plato.am.ndhu.edu.tw/~chtsao/
- Education
- 1990-1994 Ph.D., Statistics, Cornell
"Confidence Estimation and Conditional Inference for Fieller's
Confidence Sets"
Chair: Prof. J. T.
Gene Hwang.
B.S., Mathematics. National Tsing Hwa
Taiwan- Professional Positions
- Department of Applied Math, National Dong Hwa University
- Professor: 2005 to present
- Associate Professor: 1997 to 2005; Assistant Professor : 1995 to 1997
Institute of Math Statistics, National Chung Cheng University
- Visiting Associate Professor: 1994 to 1995
Research Interests
Statistical Evidence, Robust Bayesian Analysis, Conditional
Inference, Statistical Machine Learning, Music Information Retrieval, Statistical Decision Theory.
Journal Reviews
Annals of Statistics, Statistica Sinica, Computational
Statistics and Data Analysis, Test, Statistics and Computing, Journal of
Statistical Planning and Inference, Math Review, Journal of
Chinese Statistical Association
- Tsao, C.A. (2014). A Statistical Introduction to
Ensemble Learning Methods. Journal of Chinese Statistical Association.
52(1): 115-132. (Econlit, CIS)
- Tsao, C.A. (2011). Take it to
the limit: statistical paradoxes. Prasanta S. Bandyopadhyay and
Malcolm Forster (eds.), Philosophy of Statistics: Vol. 7 Handbook of
the Philosophy of Science. Elsevier. 737-748.
- Chen,
W.D. and Tsao, C.A. (2010). Consistent of boosting under
normal assumption. Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics 14:6, 2125-2136. (SCI).
- Tsao, C.A. and
Tseng, Y.-L. (2010). Power estimation for testing normal means. Statistics. 44:3, 247
- 259. (SCI).
Tsai, C.C. and Tsao, C.A.
(2009). Post-data Estimation of Binomial Testing Power. Taiwanese
Journal of Mathematics. 13:6(B), 1867-1883. (SCI)
- Tsao,
C.A. and Chang, Y.-C.I. (2007). A stochastic approximation view
of boosting. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 52,
- Tsao,
C.A. and Tseng, Y.-L. (2006). Confidence estimation for
tolerance intervals. Annals of the Institute of Statistical
Mathematics 58, 441--456. (SCI).
- Tsao,
C.A. (2006). Assessing post-data weight of evidence. Journal of
Statistical Planning and Inference 136, 4012-4025. (SCI)
- Tsao,
C.A. (2006). A note on Lindley’s paradox. Test 15,
125--139. (SCI)
- Wu, S.-S. and
Tsao, C.A. (2004).
Boosting under bivariate normality. Journal of the Chinese Statistical
42, 259—275. (Econlit, CIS=Current Index to Statistics)
- Tsao,
C.A. and Tseng, Y.-L. (2004). A statistical treatment of the problem of
division. Metrika. 59, 289-303. (SCI)
- Tsay,
J.J. and Tsao, C.A. (2003). Statistical gambler’s ruin problem.
in Statistics: Theory and Methods. 32, 1337--1359. (SCI)
- Tsao,
C.A. (2001). Combining p-values: A single experiment evaluation.
Statistical Association Bulletin. 51, 61--71. (CIS)
- Tsao,
C.A. and Hwang, J.T. (1999). Generalized Bayes confidence estimators
Fieller’s confidence sets. Statistics Sinica 9, 795--810. (SCI)
- Tsao,
C.A. and Hwang, J.T.G. (1998). Improved confidence estimators for
confidence sets. Canadian Journal of Statistics 26, 299--310. (SCI)
- Tsao, C.A. (1998).
Conditional coverage probability of confidence
intervals of errors-in-variables and related models. Statistics and
Letters 40, 165--170. (SCI)
- Tsao, C.A.
(1994). Confidence Estimation and Conditional Inference for
Fieller's Sets.
Ph.D. Thesis, Statistics Center, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. USA.
Conferences and Workshops
- Chang, H.-W. and Tsao, C.A. (2014). Meter classification of Midi audio. The 23rd Southern Taiwan Statistical Conference. June 27-28, Hualien.
- Hsu, R.-H. and Tsao, C.A. (2014). Finding keys for midi sources. The 23rd Southern Taiwan Statistical Conference. June 27-28, Hualien.
- Hung, B.-Z. and Tsao, C.A. (2013). A comparison of random average regression methods. The 22nd Southern Taiwan Statistical Conference. June 28-29, Kaohsiung.
- Cheng, C.-J. and Tsao, C.A. (2013). Midi Query-by-Humming: a Jigsaw matching approach. The 22nd Southern Taiwan Statistical Conference. June 28-29, Kaohsiung.
- Tsao, C.A. (2012). Naivity can be good: a theoretical study of naïve regression. The 8th Cross-Strait
Conference on Probability and Statistics. August 14-16. Harbin, China.
- Tsao,
C.A. (2012). Naivity can be good: a theoretical study of naïve
regression. The 8th world Congress in Probability and Statistic. July
9--14. Istanbul, Turkey.
- Chen, L.-Y. and Tsao, C.A. (2012). Artificial prediction markets for classification. The 21st Southern Taiwan Statistical Conference. June 29-30, New Taipei City.
- Peng, Y.-K. and Tsao, C.A. (2012). Matching numbers from touch tone WAV sources. The 21st Southern Taiwan Statistical Conference. June 29-30, New Taipei City.
- Li, Y. and Tsao, C.A. (2011). Matching chords for Midi songs. The 20th Southern Taiwan Statistical Conference. June 24-25, Chiayi.
- Liu, F.-Y. and Tsao, C.A. (2011). Interpreting prediction market under a survey framework. The 20th Southern Taiwan Statistical Conference. June 24-25, National Chung-Cheng University, Chiayi.
- Kuo, J.L. and Tsao, C.A. (2010). Beauty as averageness? An FDA approach to multi-prototype classification. The
19th Southern Taiwan Statistical Conference and the 7th Cross-Strait
Conference on Probability and Statistics. July 6-7, Tainan.
- Shih, W.T. and Tsao, C.A. (2010). Random base learner for boosting. The 19th Southern Taiwan Statistical Conference and the 7th Cross-Strait Conference on Probability and Statistics. July 6-7, Tainan.
- Tseng, Y.-L. and Tsao, C.A. (2009). ROC for testing composite hypotheses. IMS-APRM (IMS Asia Pacific Rim
Meetings) June 28 - July 1, 2009, Seoul, Korea.
- Lin, J.P. and Tsao, C.A. (2009). A note on false discovery rate. The 18th Southern Taiwan Statistical Conference. June 26-27, Kaohsiung.
- Wang, T. and Tsao, C.A. (2009). A LDA variant for unsupervised learning. The 18th Southern Taiwan Statistical Conference. June 26-27, Kaohsiung.
- Chen,
W.D. and Tsao, C.A. (2009). AHCBoost: Boosting for
multi-class classification. The 6th Cross-Strait Conference on Probability and Statistics. Jan 10-12, Nanjing, China.
- Chen,
W.D. and Tsao, C.A. (2008). AHCBoost: Boosting for
multi-class classification. Joint Meeting of 4th World
Conference of the IASC and 6th Conference of the Asian
Regional Section of the IASC on computational statistics and data
analysis. 5 - 8 December, Yokohama, Japan.
- Chen,
W.D. and Tsao, C.A. (2007). Consistent of boosting under
normal assumption. 56th Session of the ISI, 22 - 29 Aug, Lisboa,
- Chen,
W.D. and Tsao, C.A. (2007). A Sample perspective of Boosting convergence. 2007 Taipei International Statistical Symposium and
ICSA International Conference.
- Chen,
W.D. and Tsao, C.A. (2006). A Bayesian estimation view of boosting.
Compstat 2006, 17th Conference of IASC-ERS. Aug. 28 –
Sep 1 2006, Rome, Italy.
- Lin,
M.Y. and Tsao, C.A. (2006). Parameters Tuning in Heuristics
for Classification. Southern Taiwan Statistical Conference. Chiayi.
- Chen,
Y.T. and Tsao, C.A. (2006). Google Page Ranks with partial incidence matrices. Southern Taiwan Statistical Conference. Chiayi.
- Tsao,C.A.and
Chang,Y.-C.I. (2005). A stochastic approximation view of
boosting.3rd IASC world conference on Computational Statistics
and Data Analysis,Cyprus.
- Tsao,C.A.and Chang,Y.-C.I. (2005). A stochastic approximation view
of boosting. Southern Taiwan Statistical Conference.Tainan.
- Wu, S.-S. and Tsao, C.A. (2003).
Boosting under bivariate normality. 2003 Southern Taiwan Statistical
Conference. Kaohsiung.
- Tsao, C.A. (2003). A note
on Lindley’s paradox. Recent Advancement in Statistics Workshop.
University, Taipei.
- Tsao, C.A. (2002). Assessing post-data weight of evidence. The
2002 Taipei International Statistical Symposium and Bernoulli Society
EAPR Conference.
- Tsao, C.A. and Tseng, Y.-L. (2001).
Predicting the correct prediction. International Chinese Statistical
Society Conference. Academia Sinica, Taipei.
- Tsao, C.A. and Tseng,
Y.-L. (1999).
A statistical approach to the problem of division. The 52nd ISI
conference. Helsinki, Finland.
- Tsao, C.A. (1998).
Combining p-values: A single experiment approach. 3rd conference on
Statistical Computing of the Asian Regional Section. Manila,
- Statistical Machine Learning, Multivariate Data Analysis
- Applied Linear Models, Sampling Theory, Categorical Data
- Mathematical Statistics, Advance Probability Theory, Statistical
Decision Theory
- Introduction to Probability, Statistics, Calculus, Linear Algebra
for Engineers
- Introduction to Statistics
and Probability (for non-majors)
Updated 141021 by C. Andy Tsao